The Truth

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That night I had an uneasy feeling so I couldn't sleep

"I wonder if Namine is ok?" I asked myself

I got up and wandered the vast halls of the castle. Silent and illuminated by the moonlit sky, everything was dark, I felt a bit comfortable here, I'm still not sure why though. These people were kind to me, they treat me like family, like one of them. But I have to remember this is just a test, nothing more.

After a couple of hours wandering the halls I found myself in the mark of mastery room. I summoned my keyblade(Kingdom Key), I took a deep breath and summon another keyblade(Kingdom Key) I concentrated hard and relaxed my body, with a sudden burst of power I transformed my Keyblades into different ones. On my left was a keyblade called OathKeeper, a white keyblade radiating with the power of light. On my right hand was a keyblade known as Oblivion, giving off an aura of true darkness. I observed my keys and begun practice swinging them, with each stroke I felt my body loose all tension.

Until finally my body was moving on its own, my body moved like water with out restrictions.

"Ventus." Said a voice behind me

Shocked I made my keys disappear and turned around to see the person behind me

"Ventus... where you just holding two keyblades?" Asked a surprised Eraqus

"Master I can explain..." I began

"Have you figured out how to forge the X-Blade all on your own?" He asked a bit scared

"The X-Blade?"

"Eraqus, you must've already known the boy had special talent." Spoke a deeper voice behind Master Eraqus

"Xehanort... Do you have something to do with this?" Exclaimed Master

"My my, Ventus, it seems you hold a balance of light and darkness. Come with me, I will train you from now on. Eraqus, you will not stop me from taking him."

"Xehanor... Very well, do as you please."


"Ventus, what do you know of the X-blade?" Asked Master Xehanort

"Nothing at all, Master Xehanort,what is the X-Bla..." Before finishing my sentence, images and places that I didn't recognize began flashing in my head.

"So you are starting to realize, what you lost. You had to lose in order to find, now it can all be yours again, if only you just reach out and take it" Said Master Xehanort clenching his fist "Reclaim your true self, clash with him! Pure light against pure darkness, to forge the ultimate key. The all powerful X-Blade!"

The pain in my head got more intense, and my body collapsed completely

"Key... blade?" I managed to ask

"Not the Keyblades you and I carry." holding out his hand Xehanort formed a letter X

"X(key)... A most ancient letter. Some say 'kye', but the meaning is the same... death. A letter that spells endings." Xehanort raised his arms and began to form a purple cloud above me

"And I have the power to make it?" I asked weakly

"Correct. Eraqus know it, too. He knows exactly what you are."

"The master?"

"Haven't you ever wondered? why he never let you out of his sight? Eraqus was frightened of you. If you were to learn the truth, realize what you are... He never trusted you. why else would he keep you within his sights at all times?"

Purple lightning struck inches near my face making me flinch

"Go! You can ask the man yourself. Learn the truth, and remember you have a greater purpose!"

I was blown away by a strong gust of wind. I then found myself in my armor and clutching my head

"What am I? What has everybody been keeping from me all this time?" Noticing the land of departure not to far away I quickly summoned my keyglider raced there at once

As I landed I saw master Eraqus, waiting.

"So you know the truth, ventus?" Asked master Eraqus

"Yes, Master Xehanort told me everything."

"Then you know that you cannot exist in this or any other world." Pulling out his keyblade(Master Keeper)

A ball of light began to form on the tip of Masters Keyblade, with a flick of his wrist, he launched the his attack

Having no time to react I shut my eyes waiting for the impact.

After hearing a small explosions, I slowly opened my eyes and saw terra in front of me.

"Master, have you gone mad!?" Exclaimed terra


Well after a long time of not updating, here's an update. I'll try and update normally. Please vote, comment and or share. till the next update


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