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"Drive?" I asked

"Yes, drive. It is a power that draws forth your magic power." Explained Master Eraqus

"Ok, so when do we start?" Asked Terra

"Immediately, I'm going to meet with Master Xehanort, and Alie (A-ll-ee) will train you." Said Eraqus

"But Master, Alie isn't really that friendly to any of us." Said Aqua

"Alie is a fine young woman. She is already Master rank, so that makes her your superior, now go train."

"Yes master." Said Aqua, as we 3 bowed.

I was still confused, who is this Alie person? And why doesn't Terra and Aqua not like her? Oh well I guess I'll just have to find out

~ 20 min later ~

"She's late." Grumbled Terra

"Master said she'll train us and she will. Besides we can't argue with her skill." Said Aqua

"Who's that?" I asked pointing at a woman walking towards us

"Alie." Said Terra with a stern voice

"Rock head." Replied the woman known as Alie

"Terra." Said Aqua in a hushed voice "Master Alie. It's an honor to see you, Master Eraqus said you will be helping us with learning drive forms." Said Aqua

"Yea, still don't see why though. Drives are the easiest thing to learn. I already knew how to access my drive before I even took the mark." Said Alie with a proud smile

"Ummm.... Master Alie, will you show is what this drive looks like?" I asked

"Of course." Said Alie with a big grin "I'll show you the most basic drive." she began to glow red, flames began to engulf her body.

"This is known as FireStorm." Explained Alie "When done correctly, this will be your result." She said as she began rising in the air, with a swing of her arm, the flames traveled out of her body and struck the ground where Alie had swung her arm.

"It's as simple as that." Said Alie

We looked at her in amazement.

"Terra, you'll be going first." Said Alie pointing to Terra

"What for?"

"Well you can't learn just by standing and concentrating... well I guess you can but what's the point in that?"

"*sigh* I guess." Sighed Terra

"Wail and make them cower in fear, Banshee." Recited Alie

I've never heard of a keyblade having to be brought out through incantation. The shape of the keyblade was a bit odd to, and the keychain was a gorgon.

"So your going with banshee today?" Asked Terra

"Yea, I decided to go easy on you today." Said Alie with a bored expression

"Don't mock me!" Yelled Terra charging at Alie like an amateur

"To slow, rock-head." Said Alie under her breath, quickly side stepping getting behind Terra's back. With a single slash Terra was flung across the field. Luckily Terra barely managed to block it, while still taking damage.

"Is it just me or are you getting slower?" Asked Terra with a smile on his face

"Do you really think I have to try Againts small fry like you?" Asked Alie with a blank look

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