Truths? part1

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We were finally on the move towards master Yen sids place. Yet namine looked pale.

" Namine is something up?" I asked

She looked at me and was about to say something, but she held herself back and didn't say a single word.

" I know your mad at me but please tell me what's going on." I said as I leaned closer

Her face began to flush red. it was good to know that she still liked me, my beautiful angel.

I looked her in the eyes and said "I love you" she looked at me and began to inch closer to me. this time she kissed me, she began to slowly kiss me, and it was our most passionate kiss, well next to our very first kiss.

"Eeeeewwwww, that's gross" said sora " we have extra rooms in here ya'know, how about you use one of those"

Everybody laughed

The gummi ship actually had more room than it looked to have in this place.

Namine got up and began walking

"Were are you going?" I asked her

She smiled "I'm just going to go get my sketch book"

I smiled back at her.


I left to my room in the gummi ship, which is a whole lot roomier than I thought, as I was looking for my sketch book, I began to think to myself.

"What if Roxas remembers what actually happened? what will happen to him? how will he take it? The question is, how much longer can we hide it from him?"

I felt the door open to my room. It was king Mickey

"Y-y-your majesty." I stuttered

" Your thinking about the worst too aren't you?" he asked

I looked down and began to fidget, I nodded my head.

" Your majesty, I have a question."


"Wouldn't it be better if he remembers what happened? so that way he won't have to suffer and we don't have to keep on hiding?" I asked

Mickey shook his head. " I'm sorry namine, I want to tell Roxas to but if he were to remember, his head will be flushed with memories. and his heart will be lost once again."

A tear began to roll down my cheek, I hated keeping secrets from Roxas. I had told him everything, everything except this.

The speakers came on and Donald announced that we were going to be arriving at master yen sids in 30 minutes.


Yo! everyone, sorry I haven't been posting like I wanted to I. Just haven't had any inspiration to move on with the story, sorry this chapter isn't long, but it's only part1 of this "chapter". anyway I hope you guys will like my story, please vovote comment or share. Arigato gozaimasu


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