The Heartless

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[Namine POV]

Roxas took a blow to his ribs,and he fell unconscious.

Sora disactivated his valor him, and took a few steps towards Roxas. Sora nudged Roxas with his keyblade. Roxas lasted there motionless, almost as if he was dead.

" Roxas?" I called out

" Roxas sweetie are you okay?" I called again. Tears began to roll down my eyes.

"Sora look at what you did!" Exclaimed kairi

" Its not my fault, he started it." Responded sora

[roxas p.o.v]

It was dark, everything seemed lifeless.

"Hello?" I called out into the nothingness

" do you want power?" Responded a dark deep voice

I tried to speak but no sound came out of my mouth

The voice began to laugh

[namine p.o.v]

I was already crying my eyes out. Roxas wouldn't wake up.

" Roxas!!!!" I yelled

I felt his body move

"Roxas?" I said softly


I began to feel a dark aura. Something sinister and evil. Something that I've never felt before.

"Namine, get out of there!!!!! Something's wrong with Roxas!!!" Yelled kairi

I took a look at Roxas, his body was changing. Black shadows began to cover his body, his eyes began to glow yellow.

"" I stutterd

Sora came out and pulled me away from Roxas.

"What's happening?" I thought.

Roxas began to rise, his body was dark as midnight,his eyes were yellow. And he began to laugh, not just any laugh. A laugh of evil. I could feel the waves of hatred and rage that Roxas was emitting.

" it can't be...." Said kairi

I stared at her blankly

" this is the exact same...namine have you ever seen Roxas like this before?!" Kairi asked me

I couldn't respond

"Namine?" She repeated

"No never" I finally managed to say

" when sora,riku, and I were still at destiny island after we had defeated xemnas. Sora and riku decided to train. Sora had gotten hurt badly by riku,and also fell unconscious. He went under the exact same transformation that Roxas is taking right now. This is known as heartless form. I thought only sora can undergo the transformation. I never expected this"

I honestly couldn't believe what I just heard.

"Heartless...form" I repeated myself

"Kairi get namine out of here I'm going to stop roxas!!!" Sora called out

"Ok I got it, but please be careful" responded kairi

Sora looked back and smiled. He turned around and gave us the thumbs up sign

" namine don't worry, I'll save Roxas" Sora said reassuringly

I nodded and left with kairi back to the launch deck where everybody was still at.

" kairi what's going on out there it sounded like chaos" asked riku

" don't worry soras on the job" said kairi with a smile

"Roxas..." I said to myself.

I remember how happy he would always look. When I would cry he was there for me,always. How sweet and caring he was. But now right now his heart is in darkness, I know it is

"Roxas, darling. Please be ok" I said trying to reassure myself

Just then there was huge explosion outside. My heart sank

When we got outside, we saw both sora and Roxas on the ground.

Sora got up rubbing his head.

"Kairi help me please, I used up a lot of my energy trying to stop him. I had to use that form"

Kairi got wide eyed

" you know you can't use that form all by yourself!!! Your life expectancy just lowered!!!! You idiot why did you use it!?!?!" Exclaimed kairi

"I made a promise to namine, and I did just that" said sora

I ran over to Roxas' still body.

"Roxas? Roxas please hunny answer me."

No answer

"Roxas!!!!!" I cried out


Well here's the next chapter. I hope you guys liked it. I know it's a cliff hanger but hey, it gets the readers wondering. And it's been a while since I've posted a chapter, but I hope I can keep on making these. Anyway vote, comment, share. Tell your friends about me ^.^ until next time


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