Unknown Alliance

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Roxas stormed into the room, furious.

But just as I was about to say something a huge explosion occurred outside of the mansion.


A scream followed the explosion.

"We are so not done with this conversation!" exclaimed Roxas, then he pulled out his keyblade and darted outside.

"C'mon guys let's go!" called sora after Roxas, keyblade in hand as well.

"Well guys, I guess we have no choice now do we?" asked Riku.


[Roxas P.O.V]

I jumped out of yen side place and began to dash towards the scream, behind me was Sora followed by Riku, kairi, Mickey, and my beautiful Namine.

As furious as I was, she was the only one I could forgive.

As I approached the site, I saw a woman in a black coat.

"Organization XIII?" I said in disbelief

But, she fought with her voice, none of the other organization members ever fought with notes, well except demyx with his sitar but he mainly summoned water clones. but musical notes was not one of the organizations weapons.

Who was this woman?

I quickly shook my head

" I've still got. To help her." I thought to my self

Out of no where she hit an extremely high note and whatever she was fighting was vanquished.

She healed herself with a potion and she slowly began to turn towards me.

"Number XIII, it's been much to long, I think it is time that you and had our little duel over with, dont you think?" she asked

I just starred

Mickey suddenly charged at her and they both teleported out of there via dark portal

[mickeys P.O.V]

"It's not time yet, please hold on just a bit longer, he's not ready."

"Very well, but my patience is low."

"I know but please just a bit longer"

[Roxas P.O.V]

"Where did they go?" I exclaimed

"Roxas, please come here." I heard Yen Sid calling for me

~30 min~

I reached the top once again.

"What is it?" I asked him

He was silent for a moment

"Roxas, it is time you learn the truth about your true self, no more secrets."

"Alright let's hear your story." I responded

"Lets start with this device" he showed me the shoulder device "do you know what this is?" he asked

I shook my head

Only one word escaped his mouth. Armor.

I was confused.


Chapter update, yea. What's up guys it's your boy Roxas_921, the next update will be my fastest yet, so watch out guys cause here I come. vote, comment, and share. tell your friends about this, anyway have a wonderful day


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