Riku and A Ghost

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Hey guys, long time no see! So I'm still trying to work out some kinks here, and the music/ photo thing is pretty cool, I'll try and add some music to the story to go with the mood/ character whichever one. So I'll be telling you guys when the best time to play the music is and also when to stop it, of course you don't have to do it I just think it'll help the story/ mood a bit. Anyway I hope it turns out ok, anyway here's the next chapter.


"Riku, what's wrong?" Asked a worried kairi

"Hmm, it's nothing. I have to go somewhere, I'll be back soon." I answered

I got onto the cockpit of the gummy ship, froze in my tracks. A pain struck my chest.

Ever since Sora and I defeated Xemnas I've been feeling terrible pains. Even during the mark of mastery, I felt a pain in my heart.

I blacked out

*play music*

<Riku enters his inner world>

'It's been a long time since I've been in here'

"Riku... Riku..." called a faint voice

"Who is it?" I called out

"Forgetting me already? Foolish imbecile, how do you not remember me? I'm the reason you never lost yourself to the darkness." A cloaked figure stepped onto the platform

"I don't know what your talking about! So who the hell are you?"

"Tch. Fine, I'll tell you, if you can beat me."

"Your on!" I prepared myself summoning way to dawn

"Hold your horses there champ, go to the badlands in the north northeast hidden galaxy. There you'll receive further instruction on what to do." Instructed the the cloaked figure

"Fine, I'll play along."

<Out of the inner world>

"Oh my goodness Riku your awake!"

I was getting hugged really tight by kairi

"Good to see you up and running again buddy." Said Sora with a big grin

"Sorry if I worried you all, but I have to go somewhere." I explained

"Umm... sure, where we going?" Asked Sora

"Sorry Sora, I'm going alone."

"Riku... Fine, come back safe."

"Always." I said fist bumping my Friend

<Time Skip~Badlands>

"Alright, I'm here." I said getting off the gummi ship

My head began to throb, falling to my knees the voice spoke

"Good, now walk to the boulder right in front of you, there you'll feel a strange presence, touch the presence with your mind and then we can fight."

As quickly as the pain came it went away just as fast.

I went the boulder as I was told, yet the presence I felt was pure evil

'Should I really go through with this?' I thought to myself 'Only one way to find out'

I concentrated on the presence before me. Hesitantly, I briefly made contact with it. My body and heart felt lighter, like a burden was taken off of me

Something began swirling in front of me, changing the feeling of the air, everything suddenly felt like death.

"Ok you have my interest, now answer me. Who are you?" I asked

" Dark creature from Ventus' riven, the name Vanitas I was given." He spoke

*stop music*

And that's a wrap. Sorry it's such a short chapter. I hope you still liked it. Like always, comment, vote, and share.


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