Training with Axel...Sorta

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"So are you ready for this blondie?" Asked Axel with a smirk

I gulped down my fear, as I slowly nodded my head

"C'mon I can't get serious with you like that." Said Axel rubbing the back of his neck "look I don't like hurting women." Explained Axel

~ Flashback ~

"Why do I always get stuck with the icky jobs?" Asked Axel closing the dark portal behind him

"Axel." Said a small black haired girl in front of him

"Xion, what are you gonna do?" Asked Axel

"Im gonna do what's right."

"Everybody thinks they're right, THEY'RE GOING TO DESTROY YOU!" Yelled Axel

Xion pulled out her keyblade "Axel please don't hold back." Pleaded Xion

"You both... think you can do what ever you want! Well I'm sick of it!" Sneered Axel "Go on you just keep on running, but I'll ways be there to bring you back!" Yelled Axel holding out his hand summoning his chakrams

Sadness fell upon Xion as she ran to attack her friend.

Axel threw one of his chakrams, Knowing Xion would dodge it, he had thrown his 2nd chakram in the shadow of his first. Taking Xion off guard, the chakram hit Xion in the stomach, hard. taking the wind right out her Xion collapsed.

"Xion, I'm sorry." Said Axel as a tear rolled down his eye

~ Flashback over ~

"Yes, I know. I remember that day with... her." I Said in sadness

A wall of flames began to form around both Axel and Me.

"I'm sorry Namine but I have strict orders to hold nothing back."

I nodded. I began to concentrate and the black aura appeared once again.

"Alright I'm ready!" I said with a determined look on my face

~ 2 hours Later ~

I slowly picked myself up off the ground

"I'm not like Kairi. Her objective was to awaken your powers, my job is to draw out those powers even more." Explained Axel

The stinging pain returned, once again feeling like someone was stabbing me in the heart. I coughed up blood, lots of it.

"Namine!" Yelled Axel as I slowly began to lose consciousness


I opened my eyes slowly, the pain was almost gone, but it hurt to get up.

"Don't strain yourself. Here eat this." Said Axel tossing me a small bag

"What happened?" I asked opening the bag

"Your power, its not normal. Your power is true darkness, but at the same time it's not. It's hard to explain." Said Axel with a saddened look on his face

"Axel, are you not telling me something?" I asked

"For a moment, for an instant, you looked like her." Explained Axel

I wasn't really sure what he was talking about but I'm pretty sure he meant Xion just now. I sat up right and began to meditate. I tried looking inside my heart.


Namine began to meditate. To be honest she was kinda cute, her long blonde hair, and her body wasn't that bad. But she's my best friends girl, I would never do anything to hurt their relationship.

"Nami..." I was stopped in mid-sentence as I saw Namine's body glowing and beginning to disappear.

"Namine!" I called after her trying to to get her in my arms, but as soon I made contact she dispersed.

"NAMINE! NAMINE WHERE ARE YOU? Yen Sid, where did Namine go?" I asked shouting at the air

"Yen Sid!" I shouted again

My body was instantly transported to Yen Sid's room.

"Yen Sid, where is Namine?" I asked with a panicked look on my face

"Calm down child. Namine is about to obtain her true power, she is training her by herself now, there is noway we can help her now. All we can do is wait til she returns on her own." Explained Yen Sid

"But you know where she's at right?" I asked obviously still panicked

"Of course, but right now there is now way any of us can reach her." Said Yen Sid



I heard Axel call my name, but I didn't listen, I kept meditating until I found my center. I felt a strange tugging in my heart. Thats when I knew I had reached the level I needed to reach. I slowly opened my eyes, I was slowly descending from the darkness. A light caught my eye. As I look down at the light I couldn't believe what I saw.

It was the Circle of Awakening. It had a Me sleeping, and across from me was Xion holding her keyblade.

As I slowly landed on the great pillar ,three shadows arose from the ground. One of them was pretty tall, looked male and had armor. He looked at me and rose his hand pulling out a keyblade (Choas Ripper) I didn't recognize the key nor the man. The second shadow was a bit shorter than the first, this one looked to be female. Same as the first shadow, she pulled out a keyblade(Storm Fall) again another key that I didn't recognize. The third shadow the shortest of the three, also appeared to be male, also pulled out a keyblade(Lost Memory) a key that I again didn't recognize, but the third shadow held his key differently, he held it in reverse of the other 2.

"Who are you?" I asked the shadows

No answer

"Who are you?" I asked again

No answer

"You should know who they are." Said a female voice behind me

I turned around and saw the same woman that was at the library.

"Who are you? And how did you get here?" I asked

"There's no need to fight, I'm not your enemy. I just want to help." Said the Female in a soft voice

"Then tell me your name!" I protested

"My name... it's been a while since I've told anybody my name."

"Just answer the question!" I said beginning to get agrivated

"My name is..."


Hello there readers, sorry for the long wait on the chapter. and sorry if it was boring. And sorry for leaving off on a cliffhanger. anyway please tell me what you thought about the chapter in the comments. please vote and share. until the next chapter ^.^


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