Roxas isn't who we think he is! Namine has a special power! Xehanort is back stronger than ever! Something happens to Mickey! Xion returns! Vanitas too! Read to find out the true ending of kingdom hearts
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Heart of fire, I stared down Vanitas.
He came at me quickly, we exchanged blows both of us not giving an inch.
Sparks flying, keys crashing, spells cast but nothing was getting past either one of us.
Finally Vanitas began flying on a storm of keys, zigging and zagging every which way that I couldnt hit him. I cast thunder spells in hope of being able to hit him immediately but that just wasn't the case.
"Fine, you think you're fast? I'll show you real speed." I began, I cast wind on myself to make my body lighter, a bluish and yellow light began glowing from my body and I teleported to where Vanitas was and instantly knocked him to the ground.
"I'm done playing your stupid games!" I pointed my keyblade at him
But he began to sink into the ground.
He suddenly emerged and I took a quick step back and ran him straight through(Like he does in KH2FM with Sora) "It's over I told." I told myself
"You've done it Ventus." He said in an amused voice, a black aura began surrounding him, and his mask began to disappear to reveal his face, first a yellow and and black along with the other eye. Now his mask had completely gone to reveal a face that I hated the most.
"Now that my body is about to perish." He started again " You and I will have to join together! The X-blade will be forged!"
The same black aura began to surround around me, and unversed began to fly out of it and grab hold of my body, but they were stronger, and I couldnt break free of them.
"The Unversed... Come from you?" I struggled to ask
"Heh. It happened when you and I were split into two. The negativity took shape of these monsters, they are what I feel- a horde of fledgling emotions under my control. I released them in all the worlds I could." He said almost as if bragging "Hoping to lure you away from home and isolate you from your Master. We needed to make you stronger, the unversed were the perfect opponents. And better yet, no matter how many times you defeat them their negativity flows right back into me. You, you never stood a chance against us Ventus.Or should I say Roxas!" He chuckled as he made his way towards me
As soon as his body made contact with mine, my body ached and my heart hurt. I screamed out in pain and I saw that a pillar of light had begun to emit from my body.
When I opened my eyes again I was descending onto a different circle of awakening. It both mine and Vanitas
I looked around for him, Vanitas, and there he was, with a keyblade I have never seen.
It was long in reach and there where 2 kingdom keys, and they formed an X. but it looked damaged, some of the hilt of one of the kingdom keys was gone and the blade that stuck from the 2 keys was chipped and gave off a dying aura.