5: Horikita Mai?!

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Shivering, the cold night seems to be against you. You pull out your hooded jacket and wore it over your casual, white top, wearing a blue jeans and a pair of sneakers/sandals/boots (your choice). Picking up your apartment keys and your bag pack, you left your apartment and was about to make your way to Momoi's house. With all the assignments given to you, you really needed help with (worst subject) as Momoi was extremely good at it.

It was currently 7pm and you decided to walk instead of pulling a cab. Turning into a corner, you took a glance towards the basketball street court where Aomine used to play basketball. Halting your step, you saw someone dribbling and decided to watch it for a while.

As you walked closer towards the court, you heard a loud bang and saw that the ball was dunked by someone familiar. Your eyes sparkles underneath the moonlight and as the person who dunked the ball turned to look at you, he was slightly surprised.

"(F/n)?" he walked slowly towards the ball and picked it up, resting it on his side.

"Taiga," you smiled and giggled. "I see you've been dunking a lot these days."

"Huh? Uh, well, yeah," he looked away and blushes a little.

"So, what's the big deal? Are you going to play against another school? You've been practicing a lot," you asked.

"Not really," Kagami walked next to you and you noticed that his bag pack is placed right behind you on an empty bench. "I just need to keep my stamina level rising and improvise my skills."

"Heeeh," you almost awed at his own words.

"So, (F/n). I thought you're still in America. I didn't expect to meet you here," he said as he packed his stuff and wipe away his accumulating sweats on his forehead. "Life's getting bored there?" he chuckled.

You laughed, "No, not really."

Chatting for a while, you finally told Kagami that you were about to head off towards Momoi's house, studying together. Kagami waved you off and both of you walked separate ways as you continued your journey back towards Momoi's.

. .. . .. . .. .

"(F/n)-chan! You're finally here!" Momoi jumped out of her doorsteps and hugged you as soon as you pressed the door bell.

"Sa...Satsuki-chan..." you struggled against her tight grip, not to mention her huge boobs pressing against yours. "C-can't...b-breath..."

"Eh?" She laughed awkwardly. "I'm sorry. I was just excited. I really am looking forward to this studying together thing," she quickly pulls away from you and dragged you inside while her mouth keeps blabbering some nonsense. "Dai-chan never was interested in group studies but not until I told him that you'retagging along."

"I see," your brains doesn't seem to connect at first and you kept walking slowly inside her house until you suddenly stop in your tracks. "Wait... Daiki is here?!" you asked, surprised by what she said.

"Yup!" she smiled as you both entered her living room.

Searching wide eyes, you saw him lying lazily on the floor next to a sofa with a magazine held across his face.

"Yo (F/n)," he raised his chin up, looking at you upside down. "You're late. I'm getting sleepy."

You sighed and decided to ignore him anyway since you knew that it'd mean trouble if you argue again.

. .. . .. . .. .

"Aomine Daiki!" you yelled and slammed a book that was in your hand onto the coffee table. "Are you even listening??"

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