*blergh. Does the word 'Fan-Rival' even makes sense? God. I don't know what to name this chapter.. bahah* (=_=)"
'Da-Daiki!' You shriek in your own thought.
"(F/n)-chan," Horikita whispered your name.
"Oh she's right here," Aomine glanced at her.
"M...Ma..Mai-chan...." you stuttered.
You got panicked as you struggles to break free out of Aomine's grip. The back of your shirt felt like it was pinned with a huge nail.
"Let..go..!" you demanded irritatedly.
"(F/n)-chan! I just want to let you know..." Horikita spoke and causes you to pause your wavering. "I understand that this must've been quite a shock for you. But I will never let you go! I will never stop loving you!" She said bluntly. "Today will be my last day of photo shoots in this school." Her frown turns into a sad smile, "and I will never give up on you."
You couldn't help but felt extremely awkward. At the thought of a female totally having a serious crush on you made you feel uncomfortable. For a moment there, you thought you heard Aomine releasing a small sound of grunt and choked on his own voice. Instead of letting go of his grip on the back of your shirt, he pulled you roughly until you hit your back against his chest. As he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, he leaned down a bit without looking at you and smirks towards Horikita.
"Oi..." he started. "Sorry about that but..."
Horikita blinks multiple of times and frowned until Aomine continued.
"....She's dating me."
"Oh Wakamatsu. Don't forget to clean up after this. Please put the basin back to where it belongs and clean up those bloody towels that I used on you," Imayoshi grins.
"Wha- What?!" Wakamatsu yelled. Being as noisy as always, he groaned in annoyance, "Oi Imayoshi! You're the one who's suppose to help me out. You brought it here and-"
"Hmm?" Imayoshi glared as he smiled with his super narrow eyes surrounded by a dangerous aura flowing around him.
Wakamatsu shivered, "I..w-well. I will d-do it on m-my own."
"Your wounds aren't that bad. So go ahead and clean that off," Imayoshi's dangerous aura suddenly faded.
Wakamatsu's sweat drops and begins to pack up everything. As Imayoshi stepped outside, he saw Aomine leaning forward towards Horikita with you tight in his arm.
"Aomine?" He muttered. "Heeeh~ Youth these days," he chuckled and left.
"Wha- WHAT?!" You shriek. "D-Date with y-you?!" Your eyes widens as well as Horikita's.
However, Aomine ignored you and smirks even deeper, "you heard me. One slight touch on her or do anything stupid, then you'll have to beg for your life."
With that being said, Horikita couldn't believe what she just heard. Choking on her voice, she glared towards the ground with parts of her hair covering her eyes.
"I..." she muttered and gripped her hands tightly.
"Mai...chan...." you hesitated to call her.
"Aomine Daiki.." Horikita gritted on her teeth as her knuckles vibes. Swiftly raising her chin up, she frowned and pointed her index finger towards Aomine. "I will never give up on her! I will not let you have her and I will protect her no matter what the situation is..!"
"Eh? Heeeh???" You almost shriek loudly.
'Is Horikita challenging Aomine? She pointed at him and had just declared war while he just stood there, glaring at her devilishly. What is Aomine thinking? He had just said something terribly bad towards his favorite idol.' Your thoughts panicked.
You can see that Horikita was feeling kind of a little bit challenged. She was glaring at Aomine, eyes filled with confidence and refusal to give up.
With that last word, Horikita stomps her way and shriek, "just you wait and see! I will come back!"
You stared at her until she was nowhere in sight. Sighing, Aomine lets go of you and you turned, giving him a deadly glare.
"What the hell was that?!"
- To be continued -
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Mascot Love [KnB! Aomine Daiki X Reader]
FanfictionYou attended Tōō (Touou) Academy and is best friends with an extremely professional Basketball Player, Aomine Daiki. At the same time, you also had a part time job as a Mascot on a TV show. Working daily to get more income for your school fees and y...