6: Friendship Built

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AN: Before we start this chapter, I just want to tell you that I'll be making up Horikita Mai's character as I don't really know what type of a person she is. So....yeah..... *Speechless* I just thought I wanted to make this story a little bit funny and interesting.. *Grins mischeviously*


"I can't believe she'd actually show up here in school," you pouted as you sat in front of Momoi's desk, leaning on it between your outstretched arms.

Momoi giggled when she saw your pouting lips. She waved her right hand in front of you, "are you jealous?"

"Hah?? Jealous?! Why should I?" You asked as if you're actually, really that jealous of her.

"Dai-chan flipped when he saw her. I wonder where he went to. Maybe he's quite surprised himself," Momoi glanced at his empty desk and you did the same.

"Who cares? He might've gone stalking her," you pouted again. "To think that Horikita Mai is having her photo shoots in this school is just hard to believe."

"It is quite a surprise. Even all the senpai's are grouping together just to see her," Momoi smiled.

"Probably just for that big jugs she has," you muttered.

[A/n: You don't actually hate her, but the fact that the school has gone crazy ever since Horikita came, it kind of causes a little bit disaster; some classes were cancelled or some students were escaping their classes.]

. .. . .. . .. .

"Ahoominee Daiki-kun yoooo~," your voice searched for him as you went up to the rooftop.

'That's weird,' you thought. 'He was supposed to be here.'

"Daiki~?" you called again.

Climbing the ladder in front of you, you expected to find him resting lazily right there but unfortunately he wasn't.

Sighing, you stood still and glanced around the school. The view from up there is quite good and you can see almost the whole school from the position. With your eyes scanning around, it finally halted when you saw Horikita Mai near to the baseball field area. She was wearing the school's sport uniform and was about to take some shots. You ignored it and decided to go back down and into your class.

. .. . .. . .. .

"I can't find him," you said as you drag your chair next to Momoi's desk. [Yes, you love hanging around her sometimes. To those who hate her, just pretend she's someone else okay? You can change it to 'your friend's name' or something. I'm just too lazy to create more OC...]

"I see. Let's just leave him for the time being. I'm sure he's fine," she laughed softly. Pushing her chair away from her desk, she began to pack her bag.

"Satsuki-chan?" you blinked.

"Oh sorry (F/n)-chan. I have something else planned out," she clapped her palms together and bowed down to you.

You were silent for about 5 seconds until it finally strikes you, "please don't tell me you have a date."

Momoi smiled nervously and averted her eyes away, "well, umm... hahah..."

Sighing, you stood and moved back to your desk, "anyway, class is going to end soon so I'll be leaving too."

"Sorry (F/n)-chan!" she bowed apologetically and ran out of the class.

. .. . .. . .. .

Walking through the lockers, you slipped yourself into your shoes and was about to step out when someone suddenly calls out to you.

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