11: IOU

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"Aomine...." Your father growled as he had an eye to eye contest with the navy blue haired male.

Aomine scoffed, "what are you staring at?"

"Y-You little bastard...." Your father popped out a huge vein on his head. "You dared enter this apartment alone with my daughter?!"

You face palmed and blushed, "D-Dad..."

"Hah? What's wrong with that? After all, she owed me a certain things and I just wanted her to pay me back," Aomine smirks.

Being a stubborn, short-tempered and over-protective father, his minds begin to draft some stupid (and nasty :p) imaginations. He stomps towards Aomine and grabbed the collar of his shirt.

"DON'T YOU DARE LAY A SINGLE HAND ON HER..." Your father scowled and growled.

Aomine scoffed and challenged your father again, "Or what?"

You gawked and your mouth even widens at Aomine's response. He doesn't feel like he was threatened.

"M-m-Mum?" you turned towards her like a robot.

"Oh, don't worry dear. This isn't the first you saw them arguing like this," she laughed softly.

You didn't say anything but managed run up to them, trying to break your father's grasp.

. .. . .. . .. . .. .

You don't know how but somewhat, you managed to calm the two short-tempered male. The two of them were still glaring at each other on the dining table as they sat at the opposite side. You on the other hand are helping your mother with the cooking. Although you do feel a little bit uncomfortable leaving those two men alone, your focused are centered on them instead of the ingredients in front of you.

"(F/n)-chan," your mother called softly. "Are you still worried about those two?"

Your father never really liked Aomine when you first introduce him. Well, he did like him at first but only until Aomine entered Teiko High and joined the Basketball team. Aomine's changes in personality causes your father to dislike him even more.

Sighing, you're almost done with cooking dinner. As you set the dishes on the dining table, your father finally spoke.

"(F/n), tell me he didn't touch you," your father demanded.

You hic and froze as you blushes a little. Well, Aomine was hovering on top of you before they came and they are the ones that saved you from whatever it is that Aomine was planning.

"I..I..H-He..Well," you don't know what to do. Should you tell your father about what happened earlier? No, that would trigger a war in this apartment if you do so. But if you were to lie, Aomine would definitely try it again and use it as a threat against you.

"Dear, let's just enjoy our dinner shall we?" your mother smiled innocently and sparkles in her own world. "We're here to visit our daughter. Not to bombard her apartment."

You blinked at your mother. She winks at you in a cute gesture and you felt embarrassed at her for acting like a teenager.

"I will not tolerate this!" Your father stood as he slams the table. "I'm still suspicious of this little brat!"

"Huh?? Who are you calling a little brat?" Aomine spoke back in annoyance.

"YOU!" Your father pointed at him.

"What? You old geezer! I dare you to call me that again!" Aomine stood.

Your spine shivers and you tried to calm them (again). But unfortunately, those two were engaged in a word battle.

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