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"Hand over my Uncle! Or else!" Dipper shouted at the yellow triangular demon, showing him Journal #3.

Bill turned around with an amused look. "Now isn't. This," Bill appears infront of Dipper quickly with his glowing white eye. "INTERESTING." His voice booms and returned to his normal voice. "My old puppet is back for an encore. You think you can stop me?" Bill punches the air while holding Ford with an extra arm with a gleeful look towards Dipper. "Go ahead, Pine Tree, show me what you've got."

Dipper quickly flips through his journal looking for a possible way to defeat Bill. "I... Uh... I... Um..." He finds a page saying all is lost if Bill gains a physical form.

"I UM I." Bill mocks Dipper. "DO it kid. DO some brilliant thing that takes me down right now. Whattdya got Pine Tree? Everyone's waiting. DO IT!" He yelled pressuring the brunet.

Dipper took a deep breath and let it out. He closed the journal and put it back in his bag with the others. This action confused the yellow demon. The boy could see Bill's large triangle form covering him from his friends' view. So he took the chance leaning towards the Bill's body surprising him.

Dipper kissed Bill above his bow tie assuming that's where his mouth would be.

Bill floated still after Dipper kissed him backing away ever so slowly. His yellow color turning into a pink shade on his body.

"Bill?" One of Bill's friends says.

Dipper took the chance to run away to get back Mabel and some friends who he could team up with to end Weirdmageddon. All the while to ignored the blush spreading across his face at the moment.

"The boy! He's getting away!" Another one of Bill's friends exclaimed.

Bill still floated still, but his yellow color came back and turned back to his friends. "Whatever, Hench-maniacs, ROLL OUT!" Bill turned a convertable into a demonic ride.

Everyone got into the car and started heading to Bill's castle. During the car ride, Bill could not get his mind off of Dipper's action from mintues ago.

+Weirdmageddon: Mall - Time: Time has no meaning anymore+

Dipper made it into the mall, finally making it safe away from the big head with one arm on his head. Along the way looking for people he saw some nachos on a table and went to get some to eat. Unfortunately he got caught in a trap.

"Ah! HELP! The nachos tricked me!" Dipper called for help.

The potted bush by the table moved and Wendy's head poked out. "Dipper?" She asked.

"Wendy?! Oh no, you've been transformed into some kind of... Tree monster!" Dipper exclaimed worriedly while struggling in the net.

"Ha! It's just camouflage. My dad made me and my brothers do apocalypse training every year instead of Christmas. Guess it's sort of cool the paranoia payed off." She explained and shot a bat. "Cool! Bat Meat! Oh yeah, let me help you out there dude." Wendy threw her ax cutting the net letting Dipper fall to the ground free. She told him that Toby is with them too after she mistakenly shoot him thinking he was a monster. The three of them went back to Wendy's hideout and talked, well just Dipper and Wendy. Both came up with a plan to get Mabel back and stop Bill.

One their way to get a car to drive to Mabel's bubble, Dipper thought about the kiss with the yellow demon. He blushed remembering the event. Dipper didn't know what caused him to do that, but could only guess that something had drawn him to Bill to do such a thing.

It was really unsettling.

+Weirdmageddon: Bill's Castle+

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