Danceing and Talking to Mabel

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Credit for the picture above goes to cuongdamtieutu123 it's awesome! Thanks^^

+Gravity Falls: Inside Mabel's Bubble+

Dipper, Wendy, and Soos continued to follow the others into Fairy territory. Dipper stayed silent during the following with Wendy and Soos who gave him a pat on the back from time to time.

"Mabel, Bill, we're here." Other Dipper says to the two.

The group of three saw the fairies flying around them with smiles. The little fairies lead them to some seats to sit down on and chatted along.

"Mr. Cipher and Dipper, it's nice to see you again. What do we own this pleasure of seeing you two?" A light purple fairy asked fluttering her wings in delight.

"Just came for a fun visit. I also brought my twin along." Other Dipper answers.

"Delightful!" The purple fairy smiled and she got an idea. "I know! Why don't you three should stay for tonight's Moonlight Dance!"

"Moonlight Dance?" Mabel asked tilting her head to the side.

A blue fairy came to her side and explained it to her. "It's a big dance party for us fairies and for anyone we invite. We dance under the moonlight and make wishes for people's safety as they go on with their lives."

"That sound so cool! Dipper, Bill! We should totally stay for the party!" Mabel excitedly says hugging her twin. "Please bro bro! Let's stay." She even gave him the puppy eyes.

Other Dipper laughed and nodded. "Sure sis, how about you Bill?" Looking over to the blond demon.

"Sure Pine Tree~ I've got nothing better to do at the moment." Bill shrugs his shoulders with a lazy smile.

"Yay! Moonlight Dance is a go!" Mabel cheered jumping up and down. The fairies laughed and led them more into their territory.

Bill went off with some of the fairies somewhere, leaving other Dipper and Mabel with the others to help set up for the Moonlight Dance.

Dipper, Wendy, and Soos planned on getting Mabel when she is alone so they could talk to her. They hoped it'd be soon so they could return Gravity Falls back to normal.

Hours passed and it was already dark in the sky. The sky is twinkling with stars and the moon was almost in the middle of the night sky.

"Hey Dipper! Have you seen Bill?" Mabel asked trying to scoop out Bill.

Other Dipper shook his head with a frown. "I haven't seen him since we parted and started helping the fairies." The brunet placed the last lantern on the tree and jumped off the branch.

"I wonder where he went." Mabel says and turned around only to bump into someone. She looked up and saw Bill with his normal wide grin showing his sharp teeth. "Bill!" She exclaimed causing other Dipper to look back at her.

"Hey Shooting Star! Heard you've been looking for me!" He says bending down to her height. "Need something?"

Mabel nodded. "I was wondering if you could bring one of my dresses from the shack here. So I could dance in one of them." She twirled around and posed with a smile.

Bill chuckled patting her on the head. "I've got a better idea Shooting Star." He looked behind Mabel and motioned other Dipper to come by her side. Other Dipper rolled his eyes, but still came over next to his twin. "Now both of you close your eyes~"

"Bill if this is another trick, then I'm gonna have the right to right hook you." Other Dipper sternly warns crossing his arms.

"Trust me on this Pine Tree. It's funny and awesome!" Bill assures  clapping his hands together.

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