Balance Partner?

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"Mabel, now is not the time to fooling around." Dipper says to his twin sister, who smiled brightly at him.

Mabel shakes her head. "I'm being serious here Bro Bro. Trust me on this please. I have this strong gut feeling that your Bill's Balance Partner!" She says and held her stomach. "It's never wrong and you know that."

Dipper facepalmed and shook his head, he sat on the floor and looked at the collar and chain attached to each other holding him around the neck. 'I wish this would just disappear.' He thought sadly.

Everyone continue to suggest ideas, but no one notice his sighs and sadden look.

What he didn't know was a thousand miles away a certain demon had sensed his sadness.

Did you know the strongest of partners can Sense each other's feelings?

+California: Currently with Bill+

"PineTree?" Bill mumbled to himself stopping mid action from your torturing a poor soul. The yellow demon flicked his flame off and floated away from the terrified man.

Bill could sense his possession sadden by something and it was starting to bother him to no end.

"Hmm~" The triangle hummed.

Then Pyronica came over to him with a scared woman in her hand. "What's the problem Bill? Already tired of scaring the humans?" She laughed.

"Pfft please! Like I could ever get tired of torturing puny meatsacks!" He answered. "Just got the feeling PineTree go sadden by something."

"Awe~ The poor Kid. Why not bring him a present to cheer him up?" The pink demon suggested throwing the woman she was hold up in the air who screamed. Pyronica caught her while the lady started to cry.

Bill seemed to have brighten up by the idea. "Great mind Pyronica!" He floated away from her in a hurry to get somewhere.

"Anytime Bill!" Pyronica shouted watching him go, then went back to scarring the lady she is holding.

The yellow demon searched among the broken houses searching for something. It took awhile, but he found it. PineTree and Shooting Star's house. He changed into his human form and walked straight up to the front door and knocked on it. The door carefully opened up to show a brunette woman who looked like Shooting Star only her hair went up to her shoulders. When she saw Bill the lady quickly opened the door and pulled him in locking the door behind him.

Bill looked at the house, inside were humans from probably around the neighborhood hiding out here. Candles lit the room to visibly see. He caught sight of a brunet man kinda resembling PineTree too.

"Who are you?" One of the hiding people asked.

Bill smiled kindly at them. "The name is Bill. I was searching for some people."

"Your lucky you weren't caught by those monsters while searching. They've been torturing anyone in sight of them." Another human said.

The humans kept speaking to one another. Bill waited for an opportunity to jump on them.

"I just hope Mabel and Dipper are okay..." Mrs. Pines said hopeful and broke down crying.

Mr, Pines patted her on the back and gave her a hug. "I'm sure they're safe dear. We can only hope and believe at the moment. I know their Great Uncle Stan is protecting them." He says.

This was Bill's time to jump in. "Wait you know Dipper and Mabel?" He asked using the twins real name.

Mr and Mrs Pines looked at him in surprise. "How do you know them?"

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