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+Gravity Falls: After School+

Mabel and her friends were exiting the school campus. They had decided to spend time together by hanging out around Dipper's grave. Stopping by quickly at the flower shop to get another banquet of flowers for him.

On the way there, Mabel told them about how Dominic and Bill randomly were inside the Mystery Shack, cooking them lunch and having a little quick chat with them. They wondered why the two demons would do that, but passed it off as a way to bother the Pines Family.

"Do you think that Dominic guy is at Dipper's grave again?" Gideon wondered as she asked her friends.

"I hope not. That guy is a jerk, I'd appreciate it if he stayed away from my twin's grave." Mabel said as they started walking through the forest to get to Dipper's grave faster.

Moments past by as they got closer to their destination until a little surprise stopped them.

Our little guide will appear

A twelve year old with familiar brown hair and hat ran past them, only to stop in front of them with his back facing them. The boy looking left and right.

"Is that who I think it is?" Candy questioned.

"Girl, Mabel..." Grenda said.

Mabel looked at the boy with wide eyes. "Dipper?..."

He will lead you to a clue

Twelve year old Dipper stood there in front of them. He didn't seem to realize their presence though. The boy only laughed a bit before running off. The group running after him only to be lead to the place where Dipper had been killed. Dipper stood next to a beautiful yellow and blue flower with weird patterns. The boy pointed at the flower with a smile and disappeared.

"He led us here to see a flower?" Pacifica said confused.

Mabel pulled out journal 3 which she had taken custody of keeping after Dipper died. She had the feeling she had seen this flower before. The brunette flip a few pages in the book and finally found it. "Guys I know this flower! Dipper and I found one of these before when we went on a mystery hunt. Apparently it's called a Time Back Flower. It lets people see into the past in the general area they're in. By saying a person's name you can see what they did back then."

A look into the past

"Hmm... Do you think Dipper wants us to look into the past?" Gideon thinks aloud.

Pacifica sits next to the flower. "Well lets see what happened." Leaning to the flower she said Dipper's name.

The flower opened up and changed into a acid green color. The area around them changing into that past. It was the scene of Dipper's last moments and the end of Weirdmageddon. They were closer to Bill and Dipper spot than back then because they were separated.

Young Dipper held Bill's hand in his own.

Bill looked down at the boy and kept smiling.

The group could clearly see they were both happy until that gun shot rang through the air.

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