The Deal and Aftermath of it

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+Weirdmaggedon: Cliffs+

"Ah deal huh?~" Bill looked at Dipper with interest.

Dipper's friends and twin hit their hands against their bubble trying to stop Dipper from making a deal.

"Dude! Don't do this!"

"Dipper! Stop!"

"Dipper, bro! Don't make another deal!"

Dipper didn't listen to them and went on saying, "Let the people of Gravity Falls stay safe and healthy, I want them under your protection. Also turn great uncle Ford back to normal."

"Hmm~ Then what do I get out of this Pine Tree?" Bill asked with glee looking straight at Dipper. His friends behind him wondering how the boy would pay for such a tall order.

Dipper stayed silent before squeezing his eyes shut head hung down and making fists at his sides. "You can have me. I don't care what you do to me, just keep everyone who lives in Gravity Falls alive and well." the demon

If Bill had a mouth, he would be showing an insane grin on his face. He laughed happily making the air ring. "Your sacrificing yourself to save everyone who never believed in you! Wow Pine Tree! Seriously, who would give up everything for such a dumb town?! I give you some credit for your "heroic actions" kid!" Bill air quoted the heroic action part. "Guys give Pine Tree a round of applause!" The other monsters did clap with laughs.

Mabel, Soos, and Wendy shouted at Dipper to stop and not go any further. Mabel was already sobbing while trying her best to get out.

"No! Dipper please!" The brunet girl pleaded.

Bill and Dipper ignored their shouts and continued. Bill lit his hand with his signature blue flame and held it out to Dipper. "We have a deal then?"

Dipper opened his eyes seeing the blue fire lit hand. He stuck out his free hand and shook it without any hesitation.

The deal is sealed.

"Happy Nightmares Kid!" Bill exclaimed knocking Dipper to sleep with his magic.

Mabel's cries got louder as did Soos and Wendy's shouts towards the demon.

"Let him go you triangular freak!" Wendy yelled.

"Sorry Red, but the deal is sealed! No one can help you now!" Bill exclaimed to the teenager. He signaled his friends back to the castle, the three humans in their bubbles following the monsters.

Soos, Wendy, and Mabel watched as Bill encased Dipper into a bubble of his own cradling it in his hands. The Pine Tree symbol in the front of the blue transparent bubble.

Don't think it's over, the game is still progressing forward.

+Weirdmageddon: Bill's Castle - in a very large room with the Bill's summon in the middle of the floor.+

Bill watched from the entrance of the room as some monsters placed the gravity falls residents in the room in their own bubble. He had yet to unpetrify everyone even in their bubbles.

Those who weren't petrified were Soos, Mabel, and Wendy. The three of them were placed on top of their symbol in he middle of the room on Bill's wheel. They watched different monsters bring in the people of gravity falls in and noticed none of them had symbols on them. The last remaining bubbles came in with symbols on them.

Gideon came in a light blue bubble with the star of telepathy tent on it.

Robbie's bubble is a dark grey with a stitched heart symbol.

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