Comfort Me to Set Me Right, But Your Decision Breaks Me/Fix it/

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+Bill's Castle+

After so much work of putting off the humans who tried to take away his PineTree again. Bill was exhausted for the first time in his lifetime. 'Stupid meatsacks. A deal is a deal and PineTree will stay with me.' He thought to himself selfishly.

The other demons were given orders to not mess with the humans too much and make sure they weren't hurt.

Bill looked down at his PineTree curled up in his lap, head snuggled against his chest sleeping away. He brought his gloved hand down and started stroking the boy's head gently not to wake him up.

"Oh PineTree it's so great to have you back." Bill cooed into the brunet's ear.

Dipper's eyes opened again to see Bill grinning at him. "Bill?" The brunet slowly said.

"Glad you awake now PineTree~" Bill said to Dipper.

"I'm back in your castle aren't I?" Dipper asked in a straight tone.

Bill nodded and teleported the both of them into his room.

Dipper sat on the bed, back against the head rest, with Bill's head in his lap. The brunet did the most common thing he usually did when ever Bill laid his head on his lap. Dipper ran his his fingers through Bill's hair gently, while often caressing the demon's face.

Bill practically purred in delight leaning into the hand caressing his cheek. "PineTree~"

Dipper chuckled at the demon's expression, but continued to comfort the blond. "Bill you know what you told me about Time Baby's warning a few weeks ago?"

Bill hummed eye closed. "Yeah. What about it?"

"Please listen to him and close the rift... If you don't, we'll all disappear accept for you and your friends."

Danger, Danger- Can't lose You
Priority One!
Level danger High!

Bill opened his eye to stare at Dipper. "PineTree everything will be alright. No one will disappear, especially you." He says to him in a serious tone mixed with comfort.

Dipper shook his head not believing in Bill's words. "Bill, Time Baby could be right. I have a feeling he's right. Please, if you won't listen to him, at least listen to me." He told the demon and stopped comforting the demon. Tears welling up in his eyes.

It's hard, between what I want and what's best
Can I really decide?

The yellow demon sat up and looked at Dipper. He scooted over next to Dipper and embraced him into a hug.

Dipper hugged him back tightly letting his tears fall into the blond's yellow jacket.

Hurry and and choose!
Time has stopped, but decisions are excused
What is your decision?!

"PineTree... I can't. I can't stop my rule. Everything is mine to control. I don't believe Time Baby's words." Bill said to Dipper in a monotone voice. He could feel the brunet clutching tightly to his jacket.

"So your choice... Is to keep going huh?" Dipper asked shakily.

Bill didn't answer him.

Your breaking him!

Dipper let go of Bill and got off the bed walking to the corner of the room. He sat on the floor hugging his legs against his chest.

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