Happy Birthday Kids!

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+Bill's Castle: Gravity Falls room- Next Day+

Secretly, while the nine main people were exploring the castle again, the rest of the citizens were setting up a party for one of the Twins' birthday. Since Dipper was being held who knows where by the triangle demon.

They managed to convince the of the harpies to help them. They worked well on decorating the room to Mabel's liking with the help of Mabel's friends, Grenda and Candy.

After an hour or so one of the harpies sensed the nine humans coming back and darkened the room. When the door opened, everyone sprang out and cheered a Happy Birthday to Mabel.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MABEL!" They exclaimed with happy tones.

Mabel looked at everyone in surprised and her two best friends gave her a hug. Surprisingly she cried falling to her knees hugging them both.

"Guys, you didn't have to do this..." She cried sadly. "Plus Dipper isn't here to celebrate it with me..."

Everyone gave her a solemn look, but Stan and Ford went up to put a hand on Mabel's shoulders.

Stan smiled sadly at her. "Come on sweetie. Dipper would have at least wanted you to be happy with this."

Ford nodded in agreement with his twin. "He did do all of this to save you and everyone from the weirdness Bill has caused."

Mabel sniffed and wiped her tears away with the sleeve of her sweater. "But it won't be the same with out bro bro... I just want him back here with all of us..."

Her friends got her back on her feet and continued to get her to cheer up. Even Pacifica and Wendy tried to help her to which help Mabel a lot.

The party started, everyone chatted, danced, and tried their best to have fun. Gideon had been more kinder to Mabel and respected her wishes which had been a plus on Mabel good book.

The party only lightened up the mood a little.

+Bill's Castle: Bill's Chamber+

Dipper sat on Bill's king sized bed sketching and writing in a blue journal that Bill had given him. The journal was kinda like Ford's six finger one, but it was blue and silver with a Pine Tree on the cover.

Bill, himself was holding the kid against his chest, looking over the kid's shoulder watching him write across the paper. He had a lazy smile on his face while running his fingers through Dipper's hair as he hummed a calming tune.

"Hey PineTree?"

"What Bill?"

"I feel like it's suppose to be an important day today, but I can't put my finger on it." Bill says trying to remember the occasion.

Dipper hummed curiously. "Does it have to do with the others?"

"Probably... I should go check up on them and see what they're up to! I'll be back soon Pine Tree!" Bill exclaimed teleporting himself out of the room.

Dipper rolled his eyes and continued his focus on his journal. "It's my Birthday you dumb dorito..." He says softly to himself.

+Bill's Castle: Gravity Falls room+

Everyone seated themselves at the table and ate the food provided by the harpies. It was too bad that they couldn't get any cake, it would've made everyone happy.

Mabel stood up and smiled her best at everyone. "Everyone, I just want to say that I'm very greatful that you all set this up for me. Of course this would have been all the more amazing if... If Dipper was here with me..." Her sad tone coming back again.

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