School: [New Student]

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+Gravity Falls High: Mabel and her groups' home room class+

Mabel sat in her seat, sketching two certain people. She finished drawing the first person, well demon, known as Bill Cipher. Not in his demon form, but his human form. Next to the blond demon sketch is Dominic, who Mabel is currently drawing.

A pair?

Her friends sitting at a different table, but close around her.

"Morning everyone!" Their teacher called out as she entered the room. "Today we get a new student with us today." She told them cheerfully. "You can come in now."

The door cracked opened and the new person came in, well... More like a familiar person came in, making Mabel and her friend's eyes widen. He stood next to the teacher's desk smiling at the class with his head held high.

Where's the other?

"How about you introduce yourself?" The teacher says.

The brunet nodded. "You can call me Dominic! I'm 15 years old. If your wondering if I'm single, I'm not!" He said to the class cheerfully with a grin. "Hope we can get along."

Mabel and her friends felt tense and speechless as the demon waited for their teacher to place him in his seat.

"You can sit next to Arthur." The teacher told him.

Said teen raised his hand to point out where he was.

Dominic casually walked over to his seat, secretly dropping a note on Mabel's notebook without the teacher noticing since she had her back to them.

Mabel hesitantly took the note off her notebook and opened it. The note filled with elegant cursive writing.

Is it safe? Should it be open?

Dear Mabel,

    I apologize for yesterday's events with my boyfriend. I'm pretty lucky to be in the same class as you. I hope we can become friends from now on if you don't mind. Oh! And I say the truth that Bill and I won't do anything to hurt anybody unless it's for self defense or dealing purposes.

            Dominic D. Cipher

She crumpled up the note and placed it in her backpack. She wondered how different the two demons were from each other. Dominic seemed more human friendly than Bill, but the nacho seems to be changing a bit too. Mabel was too caught in her thoughts that the teacher was shouting for her attention now.

"Miss Pines!"

Mabel snapped out of her thoughts when she her name being yelled. "I'm sorry miss Gina."

She sighed and went on teaching.

The class went by like a blur.

+Lunch break+

Dominic sat in the corner of the lunch room crowded by a lot of girls ogling over him. Of course he didn't pay any attention to them and continued eating like no one was there.

Mabel and her group watched him from afar sitting at their own table.

"At least that demon isn't causing any trouble here at school." Grenada said to them with Candy nodding at her comment.

"That's true, but we can't let our guard down." Gideon says.

They saw Dominic get up from his seat and started walking over to them. It kinda surprise them that he could easily ignore the girls flocking about around him. When he got to their table he smiled politely at them.

"Afternoon everyone, mind if I join you guys?"

"So very much." Mabel said under her breath and chewed on her sandwich.

Pacifica gave the brunet one of her fake smiles to him and nodded. "Sure Dominic, go ahead."

The teen sat down next to Mabel not realizing the tense atmosphere the group had.

"So Mabel?"

What do you want from me?

She turned to face him, "What Dominic?"

"Your brother Dipper, if by any chance he was still alive roaming the world, would you like to see see him?" Dominic asked her softly looking at the table.

Mabel stood up quickly and took the front of his button up dress shirt, pulling him to eye level with her. Her chocolate brown eyes narrowed into a angry expression, "Never! And I mean never talk about my brother to me! I don't want to hear it coming from either yours or Bill's mouth!" She shouted at him angry, Dominic looking at her with a neutral expression. Tears started to build up in her eyes. "It's not joke!" Exclaiming when she saw Dominic start to laugh, not being able to tolerate him anymore she pushed him to the ground and ran out of the cafeteria.

"Wait Mabel!" Pacifica exclaimed running after her. Gideon, Grenda, and Candy running after her too.

Dominic was left on the floor staring at the doorway they passed through.

'I'm sorry Mabel.'

+GravityFalls: Graveyard- After school+

Dominic sat in front of Dipper's Grave smiling warmly at the things laid out around it.

"Even to this day everyone still misses you Dipper. Your lucky, I guess..." He said as he picked up one of the flowers. "Everyday I think 'How do I tell them, that you changed? That I changed?'. Your lucky though, your sweaty awkward self doesn't have to deal with this." He chuckled and took the other flowers, turning them into another flower crown. "Hey Dipper? Did you know? Mabel misses you so much. She thought I was just joking around... I probably shouldn't have laughed."

The demon hugged his knees to his chest, sighing as the wind blew a little causing his hair to sway. A familiar constellation peeking in and out through his moved hair.


Dominic turned his head around slightly to look at the person. "Hey Bill."

Bill went over to Dipper and hugged him from behind, resting his head on the teen's shoulder. "How was school?"

"I accidentally got Mabel to be mad at me." Sadly sighing to his lover.

"Aww, don't worry PineTree! Both of you will make up have to make up sooner or later!" Bill's cheerful attitude bringing Dominic up. He kissed the other's cheek and snuggled close to him. "Even if you changed a bit, your still you. That's all that matters... Your physical form doesn't matter, but your personality and actions, that's what we all love about you." He whispers into Dippers ear gently. The dream demon's eyes looked at the grave.

"Your still you, even if you look different. My PineTree."

Objective: [...]
Goal: [...]

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