[Surprise Visit]

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*little time skip*
+Mystery Shack: afternoon on a Saturday+

The Pines Family came back home after having breakfast at the diner and shopping. Mostly buying Mabel her art supplies and a few other thing along the way. Mabel bought some more flowers for her twin's grave too.

Stan unlocked the door to the Shack with his family behind him carrying groceries. Once he opened the door and saw what was on the other side he dropped his share of the bags.

"Grunkle Stan?!" Mabel ask in surprise, but her Grunkle was frozen, so she looked over his shoulder.

She gasp when she saw Dominic looking back at her, in her Grunkles' house no less! "What are you doing here?!" She shouted at him.

Surprise, Surprise~

Dominic smiled at her, "Welcome back Pines Family. Bill and I thought we could come and check up on you guys."

Stan and Mabel could only stare at him at his ridiculous thinking. Ford and Mabel's parents came up to the porch noticing the visitor too. Jaw dropped that they'd come to them knowing Ford, Stan, or Mabel could take them on.

"Come on! Bill's cooking lunch for you guys." Dominic disappeared into the kitchen.

The Pines family cautiously went inside the Shack, leaving their groceries by the door. Ford casually opened the closet and pulled out some paranormal guns for them. They made their way to the kitchen and busted in holding their weapons up. Only to lower them when they saw Dominic at the table writing in a blue journal and Bill stirring something in a pot on the stove.

"You know it's rude to be pointing those at your guest right?" Bill says with a laugh, not turning around to look at them. "Why don't you help them put those away Alcor?"

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me by that name?" Dominic sighed closing his journal. He raised his hand and snapped his fingers together. The weapons the humans were holding disappeared out of the thin air. "You'll get your toys back once lunch is finished." He stated getting up from his seat. The brunet went up to Mabel's parents sticking his hand out to them.

"Um..." Mr. Pines didn't really know what to say.

Dominic showed Mabel's parents his kind smile, "Nice to meet you Sir and Madame, I'm a friend and classmate of your daughter Mabel Pines. My Name is Dominic D. Cipher." He shook the man's hand.

"James Pines. Mabel's dad." Mr. Pines told him.

"Maysly Pines. Mabel's mother." Mrs. Pines said to him.

The brunet demon gave a curt bow to the older Pines Twins. "Stanley, StanFord."

Both the twins gave him crossed arms gesture and a warning glare that Dominic didn't seem to mind.

Finally he turned to Mabel who had her hands clenched and pressed to her sides. "Hello Mabel." She heard him say. "Hi." Was the only response he got.

Dominic went over to Bill and helped carried the finished prepared food to the table and the dream demon carried the pot of soup. Bill snapped his fingers and the Pines Family found themselves in their own seat. Bill and Dominic being the only ones standing.

"Hope you like the food guys!" Bill says to them while the family could only stare at it.

Dominic rolled his eyes, "It's safe, trust me. I would of sacked Bill in the head if he did something to it."

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