Burning Tree The Other Half

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+Weirdmageddon: Bill's Castle+

"Burning Tree!" Dipper looked towards the other, rushed over to his look alike and gave him a hug.

"Hey Pine Tree." The look alike says in a some want happy tone.

Burning Tree wore baby blue clothes with black pants and shoes. His top being a button up dress shirt with a little darker shades of blue on his cape, and white gloves on his hands. A teal amulet having around his neck too. Unlike Pine Tree, Burning Tree had his hair parted showing off his Big Dipper birthmark. On some revealed skin they could see his skin also had black markings just like Dipper. The atmosphere around him reaked power, authority, respect, and confidence. Totally the opposite of their usual Dipper.

"That's Burning Tree? He looks like a imitation of Gideon!" Stan says pointing at Gideon.

"Hey!" Gideon exclaimed at Stan no amused by the other making fun of his style.

Both Dippers ignored the two's fight and continued talking.

"Aren't you suppose to be training with Billy?" Dipper asked tilting his head in confusion.

"The dam triangle finally let me have a break after I kept annoying him to let me see you. I ran into Pyronica a few seconds ago and she told me I could find you here." Burning Tree answered and looked behind Dipper. "I'm guessing these are Bill's toys your playing with."

Dipper nodded, but he yawned again rubbing his eyes. "Yeah~ They're really interesting... But two of them are boring..." He says sleepily and pointed to Mr. And Mrs. Northwest's bubble.

"Uh huh." Burning Tree glanced at the two bubbles and smirked, getting a evil idea. Burning Tree snapped his fingers in his left hand and the Northwest adults, behind him, started falling towards the ground to their death. Of course the two adults screamed for their lives.

Dipper snapped his own figures and the two landed in a soft big pillow. " I saw that evil glint in your eye. Don't do that Burning Tree! Even if the're boring I'll still take care of them in a different way. Plus I don't want to break Billy's toys." He said in a mad tone frowning at his look alike.

Burning Tree sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. "Fine, but if you want them tortured, you who to call." The boy smirked making Dipper giggle.


Bill appeared behind Burning Tree with a grin on his face. "You called!" He exclaimed dramatically.

Dipper laughed while Burning Tree quickly turned around to try and punch the blond, but Bill dogged it easily.

"I didn't mean you, you stupid demon. He didn't even call you." Burning Tree says in an irritated tone.

Dipper grabbed Burning Tree's hand and held it in his own. "Calm down Burning Tree~" Dipper smiled at the other. Burning Tree seized his anger and calmed down listening to Dipper. "Alright Pine Tree."

Ford strode over to Bill glaring at him. "Bill, why is there two of my nephew?!"

Bill laughed and put a hand on Burning Tree and Dipper's shoulder. "Since I'm feeling happy today, I'll answer your questions~ Everyone! Meet Burning Tree and Angel Tree."

"Wait a sec, Angel Tree?" Gideon asked.

"But Burning Tree calls Dipper, Pine Tree." Robbie says not understanding.

Bill raised his hand to stop anyone else from saying anything. "Let me finish. These two are Dipper, both of them make up his whole being."

No one spoke, no one understood.

Bill sighed. "It's really is funny how dumb you people are." He pointed at Burning Tree. "Burning Tree represents Pine Tree's bad side, or should I say evil side." Then he pointed at Angel Tree with his other hand. "Angel Tree represents Pine Tree's good side." Bill clapped his hands together. "If you fuse them together you get one whole Pine Tree! I got bored at one point and decide to split Pine Tree in half. Well here's the result of it~"

Everyone stared at Bill jaw dropped at his explanation.

"You split my brother in half just because you were bored! What the hey you crazy triangle?!" Mabel exclaimed glaring at Bill.

Burning Tree sent back a glare to Mabel and Angel Tree squeezed his hold other's hand.

"I should burn you into ashes." Burning Tree growled in a malicious tone. He lit his hand with lighter blue flames. "Our pet would love to eat them up." The brunet says seriously.

Angel Tree tried to restrain him. "Burning Tree..." He says quietly in a soft tone and squeezed the other's hand again. Angel Tree even looked like he was about to cry.

Ford and Stan stood protectively in front of Mabel ready to take the hit for her. Soos, Gideon, and Wendy did the same.

"Burning Tree it seems to have gotten late~ why don't you take Angel Tree back to your room and get some rest?" Bill interrupts in a delightful tone.

Burning Tree gave Bill a short glare, but nodded in understanding. He sent on last look at Bill's toys that sent warning signs in their heads. Burning Tree flicked his flames out, then turned to Angel Tree and pulled him to the door. They disappeared without another word.

"Bill! I demand you put those two back together and bring back our Dipper!" Ford demanded at Bill clutching the demons yellow tail coat jacket.

Bill merely laughed at his aggressive tone. "Get through that metal plated, thick skull of your Sixer. PiNE TreE IS MiNe. I CaN Do AS I PleAsE wiTh HIm."

Ford let go of Bill and backed away when the blond startled using that distorted tone.

Bill chuckled a bit. "I know all of you all tired of staying in your bubble by now, Sooo~ I'm giving you guys some room to move around. You now have access to roam around my castle! But remember that there are some areas that are restricted that you can go into. Finally if your done walking around you must come back here and go back in your bubbles." The demon waved his hand showed a red triangle symbol. "Restricted areas will have these on them. Warning, you'll get punished for your actions is you disobey what I said before." The red triangle disappeared with a poof. Bill walked backwards to the door and used his magic to carry all the humans back to their bubble. "For now~ Get some rest! You can look around later! Remember, the world is mine! Time has no meaning! And there's no heroes to save ya now!" Bill exclaimed and slammed the door shut with a bang.

"Yo, Ford sir? What are we gonna do now?" Soos asked Stan's twin.

Ford thought and knew one thing for sure, that they need those two Dippers to fuse back together. "For now we should get some rest. When we wake up, we look around the castle and see if we can find anything useful and important." Ford says seriously sitting in his bubble.

Mabel was kneeling on her knees looking at her open hands on her lap. 'Dipper... I don't understand why you gave yourself to Bill. We could have escaped and build up a plan with everyone to save the world...' She laid down on her side softly and curled up hugging her legs to her chest. "I thought we were the Mystery Twins forever."

Quests: 1.Get Angel Tree and Burning Tree to fuse back together.
2.Look around Bill's Castle and get find useful and important things_

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