Who is Dominic really?

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+Gravity Falls: Graveyard+

"B-Bill..." Mabel stuttered a bit holding her flower tightly.

Bill smiled happily at the her and the group with her. "Nice to see you again Shooting Star, after 2 years that is. How's the Stans?"

"Fine and well... What are you doing back here?" She asked trying to be brave.

Meanwhile Candy and Grenda had run off to get Ford and Stan for help.

The yellow demon didn't pay no mind to them and answered her honestly. "I just thought it would be good to come back home. Plus my partner and I will be living here, no need to worry Shooting Star. We'll be good and not cause trouble."


"Mabel was it?" The brunet in the black tail coat turned around to look at them. Surprise look on his face as he saw them.

Mabel was shocked herself. "Dominic?! But, why are you with Bill?!"

Dominic gave her a confused expression. "Uh... He's my boyfriend. Is that a problem?"

"It's a major problem. Don't you know what Bill did two years ago? To the world?" Pacifica asked him swearing in her head that this teen must have lived under a rock if he didn't know what happened.

The brunet merely nodded. "Yeah, Bill started Weirdmageddon, but he ended it no less." He says shrugging his shoulders like it was no big problem.

"So when you said you took your boyfriend's last name... Your really..." Mabel trailed off not wanting to finish her sentence.

"I'm Dominic Cipher, boyfriend to Bill Cipher. Sorry about the inconvenience earlier again." Dominic said to them tipping his hat off to them with a curt bow. He placed the top hat back on, standing straight and smiled at them.

"He's killed Mabel's brother ya know." Gideon pointed out.

Now that, that was pointed out. The group finally remembered the two standing in front of Dipper's grave.

"Why are you even at Dipper's grave?" Mabel asked glaring at Bill.

Bill stayed silent for a moment not saying a word. Dominic helped him answer.

"Paying respect to Dipper's dead human body... Bill wanted to make sure his body was buried properly in a good spot."

"I don't even get why he even cares. He's the one who caused my twin's death. If he never started Weirdmageddon... Dipper wouldn't have... Wouldn't have died." Mabel says tears starting to fall from her eyes.

Dominic simply walked over to her and gave her a comforting hug. Patting her on the back to let herself cry it out. "It's okay Mabel... Dipper know how much you miss him."

Mabel grasped onto Dominic's coat tightly.

"Bill~ Come on and say sorry to her. She's obviously still not over what you did." Dominic said to his boyfriend cheekily.

Bill place his hands on his hips and walked over to the 4 across from him. As he got close he noticed Gideon and Pacifica take a step back. "Listen Shooting Star. I swear to Dominic that I am truly sorry for what happened two years ago. If I had known a stray demon would have done that I would have him burn to ashes. Well actually, I already slowly tortured the stupid demon for making the worst decision of his life. Ah~ How good that felt to finally rid of that pesky demon." The demon smirked in the end.

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