We Finally See You, Now Let's Remove Your Mask

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+Bill's Castle: Gravity Falls room- Next Day+

Mabel had worn the necklace that Bill had given her, even though she didn't want to she still put it on. She looked around the room watching everyone in their bubbles either talking to the person closes to them or napping. She sighed, oh how she longed to see her twin again.

The door to the room open with cause the people that were awake to look towards the entrance. Bill came in, but not with his usual grin, more or a serious look. "WAKE UP!!!!" The blond yelled loudly causing the rest of the group to stir awake.

"What do what Bill?!" Ford exclaimed grumpily rubbing his eyes.

"I'm here on some request, so shut your trap till I'm done explaining why I came here." Bill calmly says in a serious tone. Once he was sure everyone's attention was on him he continued to talk. "I'll be gone on some business for a total of three day, starting today," Most people mentally cheered in their heads, "Of course I can't bring my favorite little meatsack with me. So he'll be watching you until I come back." Then their mental cheers dropped.

"Why have him watch us? Aren't ya harpies enough?" Gideon asked the demon.

Bill make a 'tsking' noise and shook his index finger in front at them. "Harpies can do so much, they still need to the castle's needs kid. So they can't always take care of you. Right now I'm just telling you this because my watchman is still getting ready, but he should be on his way here now."

The sound of running footsteps rang in the air and finally past through the door. The person who was gonna watch them made everyone freeze.

"DIPPER!" Mabel yelled happily some tears leaking from the corner of her eyes.

Dipper turned in her direction and smiled at her. "Hey Mabel! How are you doing?" He asked like the apocalypse wasn't even happening.

"Kid! You remember us?" Stan says feeling relief on the inside.

Dipper nodded, "Of course Grunkle Stan! Why wouldn't I remember you guys?" He laughed happily.

Bill took of the brunet's hat and ruffled Dipper's hair with a grin plastered on his face. "Well Pine Tree, I'll be back in three days! Be good!" The demon placed the hat back on the kid's head. Finally teleporting out of the room leaving the occupants alone with Dipper.

"Dipper! You have to get us out of here!" Stan yelled to his nephew banging his fist against his bubble.

Dipper snapped his fingers together and everyone was out of their little bubbles.

The first thing the Pines family did was give Dipper a tight hug. Mabel hugged him a little tighter which caused him to push away a bit. When they were done hugging the group turned to everyone.

"If we moved quickly we can escape Bill's castle and find a place to hide for awhile until we can defeat Bill. Come on everyone, let's get moving!" Ford exclaimed and started moving towards the door. Following behind him was the rest of the town.

Mabel tugged on her brothers hand so they could walk out of the prison they were being held in. But didn't move with her. She turned to look at her brother who held his hand up and snapped his fingers again.

Just before anyone could past the door, the entrance quickly slammed shut in front of them. They turned to look at Dipper who smiled kindly at them.

"Bro Bro... What-"

"Bill told me to watch you and make sure you don't get away." Dipper says cutting off his sister. "I intend to keep my promise to him.

+Flashback: Bill's chamber+

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