Pine Tree, "You can't remember?"

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+Weirdmageddon: Bill's Castle- Gravity Falls room+

Everyone focused on to Bill and Dipper in the middle of the room.

Dipper had turned into a cheery person by the way he was talking. Not to mention the big smile he was showing everyone sitting on top of Bill.

"Pine Tree! Get off of me!" Bill exclaimed while Dipper giggled.

That made everyone rethink, Dipper giggling, no way.

Dipper got off Bill and the blond man stood up while brushing the dust off from his clothes. Once he was finished he turned to Dipper and carried him in on arm. "You know your suppose to be training right now, right?"

Dipper nodded with a pout. "It's not my fault that training is boring. Plus Keyhole was starting to bug me." He crossed his arms over his chest and looked up towards the floating bubbles. "I finally come in here and find this!" Dipper gestured.

"There's nothing entertaining in here Pine Tree. It's just a bunch of boring humans, that don't interest me much." Bill says looking upwards.

Stan growled at Bill. "Not entertaining?! Oh I'll show you entertaining ya stupid demon! Let me out and I'll let you meet my fist!"

Bill made a tsking sound while shaking his head. "Sorry Fez, but I'm not interested~"

"Where did you even get them?" Dipper asked curiously looking at the people watching them.

'Dipper doesn't remember us? Or the deal?' Ford thought and knock on his bubble getting Dipper's attention instead of Bill's.

Dipper got out of Bill's arms and ran over to the nearest bubble on the ground. He jumped onto it and jumped onto more bubble reaching Ford's. Once he jumped onto Ford's he stared down at the old man with glowing brown eyes. Ford could see Dipper's markings on his skin just like Mabel had did earlier. "Hm~ You look really smart." Dipper comments Ford.

"Don't go to close to him Pine Tree. He's idiot." Bill shouts up to Dipper. "Not to mention you still have training to do. So hurry and come down here~"

Ford gave Bill a glare and turned back to Dipper. The boy on the other hand ignored Bill."Dipper don't go back to him!" Ford exclaimed to the boy.

Dipper tilted his head with a confused look. "Why are you calling me Dipper? Your just like Shooting Star over there. She called me Dipper too."

'This boy really has no memory of himself or us!' Ford thought with his jaw dropped.

Dipper giggled again. "Your funny! Let play together!" The boy traced his index finger on top of the bubble and a hole opened up. Dipper rolled the bubble and Ford fell out of the hole falling towards the ground.

Ford screamed falling, surely thinking this was gonna hurt, but someone caught him by the collar. He looked behind him to see Bill making an amused face. Dipper came down from the bubble like he did before with a safe landing.

"As amusing as watching Sixer here fall and hurt himself Pine Tree, you need to go to Pyronica for your training. She's teaching you today and you know how she acts when you don't attend." Bill says to Dipper like a parent would to a child.

"She acts like a big crybaby~" Dipper says making a teary eye expression of how Pyronica would act. He nodded and rolled his eyes. "Fine I'll go, but you have to let me play with you toys here in this room."

Bill smirked at Dipper. "Turning this into a deal I see~ Hm, fine, but make sure you put them back where they belong and you keep a watch on them at all times if they're out of their bubble."

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