Escape and Steal Away

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+Bill's Castle: Gravity Falls Room+

The Twins' Parents sat where they were trying to comprehend everything that was told to them. The weirdness of Gravity Falls and what was going on.

While they were doing that, the Gravity group was listening to Ford.

"Dipper is indeed, and I hate to admit it, Bill's Balance Partner. Bill showed one of the strongest signs a balance partner has... and that's sensing the other's feelings." Ford says shaking his head. "To escape from Bill's castle we need Dipper, but without breaking Dipper from his deal with Bill we're stuck."

Mabel had her thinking face on trying to figure out a loophole or some kind of way they could get Dipper back. Then it hit her. "Grunckle Ford! I know a way to get Dipper and us out of here at the same time."

Ford looked at her along with the rest of the people, anxiously waiting for her to continue.

"We can't break their deal, but we can work with it. Dipper said that Bill has to protect us no matter what and that we can't be hurt right?"

Heads nodded all around her.

"First we have to get Dipper away from Bill and have him escape with us. If Bill comes or anyone of his goon friends, then we have to surround Bro bro closely. Since it's under contract that we can't be hurt or killed, they can't do anything to us and we can run away with Dipper!" She says cheerfully.

Ford thought about it and slowly nodded at the idea. "You have a point Mabel. All we need to do now is get Dipper, but how-"

"Guess who's back!" A familiar voice says.

Everyone turned to the entrance to see Dipper smiling at them.

They pulled Dipper into their group and was given hugs or pats on the head.

Mr. And Mrs. Pines showered their son in affection, happily seeing he was alright and well. Also that the yellow triangle hadn't done anything bad to them.

"Dipper! Your back?! But why?!" Mabel asked quickly.

Dipper chuckled. "After I promised Bill to watch over you guys and not let anyone escape. I made him promise me to see you guys more often. Surprised huh?" He says.

Mabel hugged his brother tightly. "Now we can escape Bill's Castle together."

Dipper some what gave Mabel a hesitant nod and seperated their hug. "How are we gonna get out of here anyways?"

Mabel told Dipper the plan while everyone got ready for the escape.

Dipper nodded at his sister's plan, but something was tugging on the back of his mind that he should be staying in the castle with Bill than go escape.

Finally everyone had gathered enough food and supplies that they were given from the harpies earlier. They could only carry what was needed to survive for the next few weeks while they hide.

All of them headed out the door while being quick and stealthy to the escape route that Ford and Stan planned out for them. Luckily a few monsters passed by and only saw Dipper, but not the gravity falls residents hiding a little away from him.

He waved at them flashing a fake smile and of course the other demons smiled or wave back at him and continued on their way.

They made it to the exit safely.

"There's a weak spot here. Just jump and land the best way you can." Ford stated to the group. He watched them start jumping out and landing safely to the ground.

Stan turned to Wendy and Soos. "Go be on the look out, and make sure to come back quickly if something is heading this way." He ordered his two employees.

"You got it Mr. Pines." Both of them say.

Both of them nodded and each of them took a corner looking down the ends of the hallway.

Dipper felt anxious watching everyone escaping the castle. Warning bells were going off in his head that something bad is probably gonna happen.

Finally after a couple of minutes later, Stan, Mabel, Ford, and Dipper were the only ones left to jump out of Bill's castle.

"Safety first Kids." Stan said to the younger twins.

Ford and Stan stood behind each one of the twins.

Stan picked up Mabel and hugged her around the waist picking her up. Ford did the same wrapping his arms around the boy's waist picking him up too.

Stan jumped out with Mabel and back to the soil of the earth with everyone. They pulled the two into the shadows hiding.

Last, but not least, Ford jumped out with Dipper.

Unfortunately you can not separate balance partners once they have linked.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!?!" Bill appeared in front of the two males who made them stop falling mid air. His human form all red, eyes black with a red vertical pupil.

Everyone already down below shuffled farther into the dark shadows away from Bill's sight.

Mabel squeezed each of her parents hands tightly while they hugged her, looking up at the angry demon.

"Give me back my PineTree!" Bill demanded angrily.

"He doesn't belong to you Bill!" Ford yelled at him with a glare.

Bill crackled with laughter. "You humans are so dumb! The deal Sixer! Dipper is still under contract with me! He's mine for all eternity!" Bill voice boomed loudly. He used his magic to separate the two, but Ford was too stubborn to let his great nephew go and lose to Bill. The demon growled putting more power into separating the two without hurting the old man or his PineTree.

Ford didn't give up and eventually the demon stopped trying to separate the two.

Dipper groaned in pain from all the pulling and it made Bill annoyed that he couldn't help comfort his pain.

Bill decided to let Ford and Dipper fall to the ground, hoping the old man would let go of him once they hit the hard ground. Sadly it didn't work.

"Everyone separate and regroup at the area we talked about earlier!" Ford shouted recovering from the fall faster than Dipper.

Bill heard rushing footsteps thought it the forest in a desperate flee. Bill looked over the top of the forest trees narrowing his eye. "No! Grrr!" He looked over to where Ford and Dipper had landed and was shocked to see the two gone.


A few distances away Dipper half opened his eye hearing his nickname from Bill. He was too tired to keep himself conscious.


He fainted.

New Mission: ???
Quest: ???
Main Goal: Stop Bill and close the Rift_

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