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                  ~• Jasmine•~

I picked up my little sister from her school and she was happy to tell me her day.

"Hey baby." I said sign languaging to her. She smiled.

"Hey Jazz." She signed back I walked back to the car watching as she told me her whole day by sign language. I buckled her up and she was still talking while signing. I laughed and kissed her forehead.

"Let's pick up your trouble making brother." I said signing and closing the door while jogging to the other side and  getting in.


I pulled up Erick's school and parked my car in front. I looked over and saw him jogging to the car. I sighed and watched as he got in.

"Hey Max." He said signing to Max.

"Hey Erick." She signed back.

"So today tomorrow I'm going to the beach with some friends.

"Okay." I turned around and looked at Max."Wanna go to the beach tomorrow?" I signed she clapped and I smiled.

"Okay just don't bother or try to ruin things." He said looking ahead.  I started driving home.

"Why would I ruin something is a girl coming? Awe little Erick is in love." I said pinching his cheeks. He swatted away my hand and smiled." I knew it."

            **The Next Day** 

We got to the beach and Erick already left us and I rolled my eyes and saw some buff guys playing with a football and a soccer ball. I looked down and saw Max already found a spot. I set the stuff down and set my surf board next to our towels and started to feel the heat hit my skin.

"Let's make a sandcastle." Max signed to me. I nodded and followed her to another part of the beach and started making a castle. I stuck a flag on top of the castle and it all came crashing down from a soccer ball. I dusted myself off and Max shrieked. I looked up and one off the buff guys came over retrieving his ball.

"Sorry about that." He said picking up the ball.

"It's okay,  I said shyly. I got some of the sand out my hair and set my hat back on.

"Embry where's our ball!" One of the other guys yelled at him he threw the ball back at them, and I noticed Erick playing with them.

"Your Erick's sisters huh." The guy in front of me said, I nodded and he smiled."Embry." He said stretching his arm out for me to shake. I looked at his hand and at him then gave in.

"Jasmine." I said softly. I felt sparks up my arm and I started blushing. He was cute. I let go and he sat next to me I shifted and looked over at Max she was getting water so we can build another castle. I smiled and looked back at Embry. He was looking at me.

"I saw you this morning." He said I nodded."you don't talk much but it's okay you'll warm up to me." He said. I can tell he was taking a liking into me because he kept staring at me.

"Jasmine can we go surfing now." Max signed I nodded.

"It was nice meeting you Embry, oh and this is my sister Max." I said she looked up at him and smiled." Max this is Embry." I signed to her. She hugged his leg and went back to me. I giggled and he smiled at me. I felt myself being pushed into Embry and me falling in the ground with him. I furrowed my eyebrows together and looked at Embry.

"You okay?" He said I nodded and noticed how close I was to his face, I blushed and he grinned. I heard laughing and I got up.

"Sorry love lady." On of the guys said.

"Embry who is this?"

"Guys this is Jasmine, Jasmine this is Jared, Paul, Quil, Sam, Jacob, Collin, Brady, and Seth." He said naming them off I smiled and waved at them as I took a step behind Embry. They laughed.

"You got a shy one, aye Em." Paul said they all laughed and I gripped his shirt.

"Alright." Sam said they were still talking about my shyness and how Embry got a cute one if that's right. He turned around and faced me.

"Sorry about them." He apologized.

"It's okay." I said quietly.

"Jasmine can we surf now." Max signed looking up at me. I forgot all about her. I nodded.

"Go get ready." I signed.

"Well it was nice meeting you." I said he nodded and I walked past him, but only to be pulled back to him.

"Hey I was wondering if you want to come with me to a masquerade ball this week?" I crossed my arms and looked at him and he scratched the back of his neck.

"Sure where is it?"

"By the Forks Statue that's in the middle of town on your right hand side. I nodded.

"Well I'll see you there." I said giving him a little hug and walking over to Max, I took off my hat and grabbed my board and headed for the waves with Max at my side.


It was now Max, Erick and I at the waves surfing and it was getting late we were now the only ones here. Erick took Max back and I was in the middle of the ocean, I started swimming back when I turned around and saw a wave come crashing down on me. I was knocked off my board and into the water.

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