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I got out the shower and put in my pjs. I walked to the living room and turned on the tv and started watching Vampire Diaries. I got up and got some snacks before my show came on and watched half of it, I was zoning out half the time in the show because I was thinking of Embry. No one can fall in love with someone in one day or even one week, it's crazy well to me it is, unless he just wants to use me, but I can tell he isn't like that, well I hope not. I was snapped out my thoughts when I saw a sleeping Max walk in. She rubbed her eyes and tried to sign to me but I couldn't read because she was half sleep. I told her to come her and she did, I set her in my lap and rubbed her back till she fell back to sleep. I went back to Embry and thought some more about him while rubbing her back. Out of all the girls why would he chose me I'm nobody. Maybe I'm just thinking about all the bad maybe I should give him a try and just let him in and try not to block him away from me. I looked over and saw Erick walk to the fridge and get a soda and walk over to me and sat next to Max and I drinking it.

"It's 2:45 in the morning what are you doing up?" He asked, I looked at the time in shock, I could have sworn it was 11:15 last time I checked. I shrugged my shoulders and kept looking at the tv. "I need you to drop me off at Seth's house tomorrow well today since its in the morning already." He said groggy, I nodded I hate talking in the morning and plus I didn't want to wake Max, she gets cranky.

"Why are you going over there?" I signed to him. He can only understand sign he never knew how to do it only the simple stuff but he try's to learn it for Max's sake.

"We have a project that's due." He whispered.

"Oh really or is it because of that girl that was at the beach that I saw you with?" I signed he grinned."thought so." I signed, I turned off the tv and got up with Max in my arms followed by Erick. I went to her room and set her back in her bed and kissed her forehead and went across to my room. I know what I want, I thought.

Embry's First Love ❤️Where stories live. Discover now