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I was pulled out and felt someone carrying me then they set me on the ground. I felt there lips touch mine pushing air into my body and my chest being pushed by two big hands. Every time my lips touched whoever was helping me a tingle went through my body. My eyes shot open and I choked out water and saw Embry looking at me with relief. He wrapped his warm arms around me.

"Oh gosh Jasmine your alive." Erick said relieved.

"Where's Max? " I said looking around.

"She is in the car sleep." He said I nodded and he grabbed my board and walked back to the car. I watched as he walked away and I looked up at Embry and he was still around me. I got up with his help.

"Thank you so much
Embry." I said hugging him tight.

"No problem." He said I held him and we didn't break away till I heard the guys yelling. I heard Embry growl at them.

"Thanks again." I said he looked at me and turned back around and headed to the forest I watched as he ran into the forest disappearing. Damn he is cute, why did he have to go I don't know but now it's like he ripped something out my heart and took it with him and I need it or do I need him? I turned around and headed for the car.


I walked into Max's room and she was jumping on her bed. She stopped and laid down breathing in and out.

"Okay time for bed." I signed to her. She shook her head no.

"Come on." I signed.

"Read me a story." She signed taking off her hearing aids and grabbing a book off her shelf called the lone wolf. I sighed and she got comfy and began reading to her.

"Once upon a time there was a little wolf no one to love no one to love him for him." I signed turning the page. "But one day this girl and her family appears in his life and she makes him happy." I was in the middle of the book when little snores came out her mouth, I set the book on her shelf and used her forehead making her shift in her sleep and calm down. I walked out her room leaving it cracked and into the living room. Erick was spread across the couch watching some random show.

"Is she asleep?" I nodded sitting next to him."So you and Embry huh?" I blushed.


"Please you like him and it's written all over your face." He said looking at me.

"Isn't it time for you to go to sleep?" I said. He laughed getting up.

"Yeah, whatever. Just know I'm telling him you like him when I see him he said walking to his room. I rolled my eyes and smiled at the thought of him.

Embry's First Love ❤️Where stories live. Discover now