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I sat on the porch and watched as the day became night. Embry has not spoke or even tried to talk to me, and I miss him like crazy, but if it means not taking to him till this baby comes then so be it, because killing a baby just because it's different is wrong even if it is a vampire, the sad part is they don't even care, I know they are trying to keep everyone safe but what they don't know is that they are making things worse by killing Bella and her baby, besides the outcome of this will be beautiful. I already know Bella will be a vampire, and she will have her husband and baby plus a loving family. She is good. I looked up and saw Seth and Leah walking back and forth looking at the forest. Jacob came outside and he didn't phase. I stood up and followed him, he can't do that he won't protect himself like that.

"Jacob what are you doing?" I asked but he kept walking I ran in front of him making him stop."what's going on?" I said standing in front of him with crossed arms.

"I'm negotiating." He said they he jumped in front of me.

"I know your there!Can we talk!" He yelled. The bushes started moving then Paul and the guys came out but my eyes went straight to Embry. He looked mad but I can tell in his eyes that he miss me, shit I could jump in his arms right now but I'm not till this is over.

"I want you to take Jazz, Seth, and Leah back."

"What! No way!" Seth and Leah yelled. I stood there and just looked at Embry. We just looked at each other no words. I crossed my arms and looked down at the ground but I felt his stare still on me. I looked at Jacob and heard a howl ring in my ears, it was a set up. I scuffed and looked back at Paul and Jared they looked mad, I chuckled and watched as they left Embry looked at me and Jacob one last time and I felt hurt. He turned around following the rest in the forest. I turned around and Jake gave me a small smile before going back in the house. I need to check on Erick and Max it's been 3 days and I haven't checked on them, damn I'm a bad sister. I walked in the house and sat in the room with a phone and looked around as I dialed the number I was in a glass room you could see straight through, no privacy at all.

"Hello?" I heard Erick answer.

"Hey doofus, I'm sorry I haven't called duty calls." I looked over my shoulder and heard screaming.

"I know I've heard."

"From who?" I heard more screaming and I scrunched up my eyebrows.


"Wait why would Embry talk to you about my business?" I said crossing one leg over the other focusing back to my conversation.

"Well because I called for you and he told me what happened and he sounded mad when he was explaining it then he started crying." I loosen my position.

"Really?" I said sitting straight up.

"Yeah, he really cares about your ugly butt." I giggled and played with my fingers."aye do me a favor and don't lose this one. I like this one he is cool." He said.

"Erick I will call you back." He agreed and I hung up, I need to go find Embry and fix this. I ran out the room and came in contact with Edward he had blood on his shirt and he looked worried.

{A/N: When I say run I mean she runs like QuickSilver from Xmen because she doesn't like running at least normal speed.}

I looked at his face and he looked hurt that's when it all came to me. Bella's dead.He walked past me and my attention went to the growls of wolfs. I turned around and followed out the door. I saw Edward and the others charge at each other, I clenched my fist and looked over and saw Seth and Leah. Leah jumped in and started fighting with one wolf then Seth. I stepped down on the steps and looked around some wolfs cornered Jasper so I ran over and ran a circle around them making their feet come off the ground and into the air, I stopped and they all fell crying in pain. I smiled and Jasper smiled at me. I returned the favor and was about to help some more but stopped once I saw Embry. He looked at me and I looked back. I stepped forward and he looked at my actions. I hugged him.

"I'm sorry." I said into his fur, his wolf head leaned on me and I let go and felt myself being thrown to the ground, a another wolf on top of me snarling his teeth at me. Embry pushed him off and they started fighting. I got up and winced in pain, I looked down and my arm was bleeding. I looked over and they stopped fighting I walked over and stood next to Seth as Jacob started yelling at Sam.

"Jacob imprinted." I raised my eyebrows."whoever a wolf imprints on can't be harmed, it's there most absolute law." He said Sam slid his paw back and ran to the woods barking at Embry, I looked over and he ran to a tree and came back out in human form.  Jasper glared at him and stood protectively over me, it's nothing like that it's just Jasper and I had bonded on a brother sister type of level. Embry growled looking him in the eyes. I touched his arm and he looked back at me. I nodded and he did the same he bumped Embry's arm making him clench his fist and jaw, and he went in the house with the others.

"Embry." I said he pulled my sweater bringing me into his chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck running my fingers in his hair. Man I missed him so much. He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me off the ground. Has he grown, no better yet has he been working out.

"God I've missed you." He muffled in my shoulder.

"I missed you to."I said he set me down and cupped my cheeks in his much larger hands and pressed his lips on mine. Yeah he got buffer. I released and looked him in his eyes.

"Don't ever leave me like that again." He said grabbing my hand. I nodded and he pulled my arm up observing it."I'm going to kill Quil for hurting you." He said as his chest raved up and down. I set my hand on his chest and he looked at me.

"It's fine." He sighed and smiled at me.

"Let's get you cleaned up."

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