[3] : The Intimidating Jerk

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Getting out of that office of his provided me fresh air! I was getting suffocated in his proximity. He didn't have a withered image for no reason. He was weird.

No matter how sexy as hell he as, he still was weird. And sweetheart!? Where did that come from?

I got out of the EMPIRE and called for a taxi and headed straight back home.

"Nandu? Are you okay?" I rang the door bell and Navya opened the door and fired me with questions, "You don't feel well or what?" she didn't even let me walk in.

"Navya, I walk in?" I gave her a tired look.

I went inside sat over the couch on our living room and slouched onto it throwing away the delicate pair of heels I had worn. They pained my feet! I wore them so that I wouldn't feel out of place in that office but I anyway did.

"Are you okay Nandini? Why are you back so early? What happened? Did you take your doses? this morning" she asked again in a worried tone, standing over my head.

"Yes, mother and Nothing has happened to me, but surely that Manik Malhotra nedo a doctor. What is he? Psycho!?" The events that took place in his office brushed past my mind. I seated myself onto the couch and Navya sat in front of me.

"What? Did he do? He's just like I had described right!? He's hot right!" suddenly all the worry vanished and the excitement took over her face.

"No! I mean, Yes. He is a weird man..." I told her about what happened in that cabin where I was left alone with him.


"Noooooo! I couldn't breathe! He was standing as close as these clothes I wear cling to me! What the hell does he think? He can toy around with every girl he comes across?" I said feeling disgusted.

"Just wait and watch.. By the end of this writing crap the only woman on his mind would be you!" she said making it sound good to my ears but, No. "He will fall for you head over heels Nandu!" she said feeling all excited.

I gave her THE STARE stating that its way beyond impossible for that to happen.

"What's the harm in hoping for it.. right?"

"Navya! Crap. Please its just a matter of three weeks and when I'm done, I'm going back.. You know it. And besides, I really cannot fall in love and feel it all again. I cannot take the hurt all again. Its of no use. There is no future for love and me. Maybe we weren't meant to be. In the name of love, I have you and my irritating as hell brother.."

"You have two.." she interrupted but i continued ignoring her.

"...and mom as well" I smiled lightly but it faded as I thought of my past and then my future. I fell back lazily onto the couch and started walking down the memory lane.

Madhyam Singhaniya was the only name that crossed my mind repeatedly. Following that came the memories of my... brother.

"Nandu shut up. You can live a life here. All you need is a little fun and a little make out with Manik Malhotra and then sex with him and you'll feel fresh as a daisy!" she giggled as I gave her a disgusting look.

"Ew, Navya. Get away from me! I wonder how Jer deals with you.."

"You have a better option miss? You can either sulk and make these days here worst of your life or just have fun and loosen up. Live these days without bars"

I wanted to but I couldn't. My heart is fragile.

"You don't need the heart involved sweety" she said as if reading my thoughts.

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