[24] : On the Highest Peak

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"No!" A voice growled.

"It won't help, you're being ridiculous!"

"Dismiss the fucking call, I said NO!" I heard two shouting voices from the other side of the phone.

"Hello? Who is it?" I asked tapping my feet on the ground restlessly. I placed my hand over my waist and raised a brow questioningly.

"Who is it?" Navya mouthed.

I shrugged.

"Hello who-"

"Nandini?" I was cut by the person across the phone.

"Finally, yes?" I asked.

"I said NO!" I heard another voice yelling. It.. It seemed like I knew the voice.

"Manik?" I asked curiously, hoping it to be him.


"No! Just drop the damn phone!"

"Nandini h-" said the other voice.

"I'm.. I'm listening. Hello? Manik?" I spoke.

"Just disconnect that call! I told you I can't-" I heard the voice which resembled Manik's say and the next moment the phone was disconnected.

What. Just. Happened.

I stood there still holding the phone to my ear, looking at something in front of me while my brain went numb. That was him? Or was it not? And what was the shouting about?!


I think it was Manik's voice but why was he not wanting to talk?


Maybe it was a wrong call. Yeah. But that other person said my name.. It was meant for me only. What was this all about?

"Nandini Murthy!" Navya shook me hard to catch my attention.

"Huh?" I snapped out.

"What happened?" She asked worriedly, "Who was it?"

"I.. I don't know"

"Manik? Was it him?"

"I.." It was his voice, I know his voice. But why did he want to disconnect the call? "I.. guess. I don't know whatever.. I mistook that person to be Manik" I shrugged. Maybe that is what I did. Manik has his own number and he can call me on his own and he wouldn't want to not talk to me. Exactly. It wasn't him. Whoever it was, will call me again, yeah.. but that person took my name, the call was for me.

Could that be Manik? I have to talk to him.

"Maybe" she shrugged, "Anyway, I'm gonna go in" she pointed her thumb towards the showroom, "and buy you clothes. You take my bag and be here" she told me before handing me her bag and pacing towards the shop.

I just nodded in response and as soon as she left I dialed Manik's number again and again but it always sent me away to the voicemail.

"What the hell is this" I cursed getting frustrated. I tried dialing the number I had received a call from but now even that sent me to voicemail.

Like what a day to mess up with me, life! Yesterday I had kind of a best night of my life until Manik said he didn't believe in love but then that's okay because he said he really likes me and its a good start to something and then I felt kind of okayish but someone on this planet earth really hates me, like really really really hates me and wishes bad upon me because my okayish mood was dumped in the trash when my long lost brother.. No scratch that, my I-can't-face-it-so-lets-leave-stuff-and-run-away lost brother returned back from nowhere! And now THIS. I don't get a single call from my boyfriend, which by the way, happened just yesterday and then suddenly someone calls me out of the blue and I hear two people fighting over not talking and disconnecting the call and then I hear a voice that's somewhat like Manik's but soon the call gets disconnected leaving me here in a mess. I think it wasn't him but then someone said my name and why do I feel like.... Ugh! This is so damn irritatingly twisted.

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