[5] : Favorite Place & Kisses

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It was 7.30 in the evening and I was already done with the dressing up. I was wearing exactly what he wanted me to wear, that dress, and luckily to pair it up, I had the perfect pair of white stiletos. I was not much of a tall person, but these added a plus 5 inch to my little height. I didn't wear a lot of make up that day, I never did. I always liked it plain and simple but because simply simple didn't go with that elegant dress I had donned, Navya applied a bit of silver shimmer to my face and a light shade of pink lip gloss to keep my lips hydrated and maybe to give a better color to my naturally pink lips. I had let down my hair and Navya had helped me curl them a bit into waves. I had placed them on one shoulder, leaving the other one bare.

I was sitting in the living room of our tiny little apartment, waiting for Manik while Navya had gone out with Jeremy. Navya and Jeremy had been dating for over 5 years now and were very much serious about each other. They had plans of getting married the next fall.

I strolled around the house, from one corner to another, watching the clock tick as the seconds passed. I finally took a pause and sat over the chair next to our small dinning table. Though I was a successful writer and though I earned quite a handsome amount of money but all I earned, I sent it back to my mother and kept some for me. Because I knew if I would have kept my money, the next day I would have 10 new dresses and 5 new pairs of stellatoes in my wardrobe.

My mind started wandering again.

Manik Malhotra was the only thing that had been on my mind in the past 24 hours and it wasn't just because he had an appealing personality. There was something different than just his looks that had got me so attracted, it was something else too. His eyes maybe, they said a different story. They recited the truth to me. Or maybe it was that smile of his. I had heard that Manik Malhotra doesn't smile. He was never spotted smiling but as far as my memories reached, he had smiled quite a few times in the last twenty four hours. I wondered if he knew what it felt like inside me, how it was all such a chaos.

I was letting my thoughts run from one end to the other. I had lost the track of time to the thoughts of Manik Malhotra when suddenly there was a knock on my door followed by the ringing of the door bell. I looked up that the clock hanging on the wall of our small living room and it showed exact 8'o clock.

"Phew! Nandini, you can do this!" I gave a little boost up to my self, straightened my clothes and walked towards the door to open it.

And there he stood in front of me. Suddenly I felt the earth beneath my feet slip away. He looked amazingly handsome. He was wearing a black tuxedo fitting perfectly onto him. My eyes traveled down to have a proper look at the man in front of me. From his shoes to his gorgeous stubble, not a fault in him.

"The moment I saw this I knew it was tailor made for you" he smiled a bit wider than usual when he said that. I was brought back to the real world by his voice.

"Um.. Yeah.." I fidgeted with my dress avoiding his eyes. I didn't want to get lost in them just now. "Its beautiful. Thank you." I looked at him but not in his eyes and smiled. He was looking back at me, trying to meet my eyes.

"Uhh.. You.. You look really really charming." I couldn't stop myself from complimenting him, he looked more than just charming! I wished I could rip his clothes apart because I was sure he looked so much better without them!

"We have a long way to go Nandini, come." saying that he turned around and walked towards his car. Did he not hear what I said or did he just ignore me? Because I surely didn't like that gesture. He didn't compliment me further! I was wearing the dress he gifted me, I needed more compliments about my look. I expected something good.. But why did I? I mean, wasn't it all just a play? I was supposed to play along and not get the heart involved here but I felt bad when he didn't compliment my look further. I walked out of the house, locking the door, I slid the keys inside through the window. Navya had a spare key with her and I didn't know how long would it take me to return back.

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