[18] : Psycho doorbells, Sudden confessions & New Girl

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I shook the thoughts away and kept them on hold for a while and decided to dress up first, wholely.

I gave a last glance to the red note I was holding and smiled at it. Reaching my cupboard, I opened my drawer and placed the little piece of paper inside.

I headed back to the mirror and resumed my dressing up.

Coincidentally, I had a lip color that matched my dress. Red goes with red, always. After applying that, I shift over to my eyes and add some smokey eye effect to it and then headed to Navya's room. She had just the best pair of gladiators to pair my dress up with.

So I slipped my feet into the black colored gorgeous heels that went a few centimeters up my ankle.

I felt terribly guilty when I did that.

I mean, I had just fought with her, said something I shouldn't have, and then hurt her. And then on top of that shamelessly wore her footwear. But then wait, she's my best friend, and what's hers is mine and what's mine is hers and I'll surely make it up to her and she knows it too. I didn't mean any of what I said, Jeremy cannot love anyone, he's not worth it.

I love her more than anything in this entire world and well, her shoes too.

I went back to my room and opened my hair that had been tied in a bun all this while. They went straight down to my waist. I didn't know either to ponytail them or to let them open so I did what I could do the best, I French braided them. Settling them on one shoulder, I curled the fringes that fell over my forehead and my cheeks.

I glanced once in the mirror and done, ready to go!

I looked at the time in my phone, 8 p.m.


Dressing up is a tedious job.

Just when I'm about to head downstairs to wait for Manik in our living room, the door bell is rung.

I ran down the stairs as if there was giant cockroach behind me, almost tumbling down, and finally reach the front door.

Phew! Jeez, Nandini. Get a grip of yourself.

I always have my heart racing like horses when I'm around Manik and I could say it without even looking that it was Manik behind that door. It was eight already, duh.

I straightened up a bit and opened the door hoping to see a handsome face in front of my eyes. But to my dismay, I found no one there. The view in front of me was an empty street, with all the doors of the houses around closed and no one could be seen as far as my eyes went.

"Manik" I called. He actually left his gift at my doorstep and vanished so I was hoping it was him again.

I peeked outside the house and looked to my right and left, "Manik?"

No response.

Definitely some kid was messing with me.

Was Halloween around?


Then why?

I stepped back in and shut the door. I looked at the time in my phone again.. 8:05pm, it showed.

Where was Manik?

I was about to take a step ahead to go further inside and again the bell rang.

I opened it and found the same view again.


I stepped back in and closed the door. About after half a minute the bell rang again.

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