[32] : Accidental Me

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The next few days passed too quickly and easily. Manik was always around me. We were always together. Sometimes hanging out outside and sometimes.. well.. inside.. onthebed. Navya and Manik were finally finding ways to get better around each other and they were doing good at it. Though the fact that I still had a lot of truth to spill kept hitting me in the chest every now and then. Besides that, everything was good.

It was finally Navya's birthday tomorrow and with that begun my last week in this place. The tickets to my flight back to India had arrived within the week and they were just lying there inside my drawer. I would go and look at them and everytime just one thing used to cross my head- that I had to tell Manik sooner than ever. I hardly had time and I couldn't even buy myself some extra time because I knew I was off the limits now. These seven days were all I had to decide my future.. or whatever little time I would be having ahead, that is, Future.

"Will you just hold me properly? I'll fall and die!" I shrieked as I nearly lost my balance over the stool.

"Get down Nandini, I'll do it." Abhimanyu declared and pulled me down to the earth.

"Ow! Careful!" I yanked my hand away from him as he pulled a bit too hard.

"Oh, I'm sorry.. kinda bit rough.." he laughed softly.

"Its okay.. get up this and fix the confetti.. I'll see the other side, okay?"

"Cool." He gave me a thumbs up before getting on the stool to fix the confetti.

I didn't really know what I could do for Navya. After brainstorming for a long while, I thought maybe I could just have a little warm party for her, with whatever little people I could gather at our place. So I invited whatever friends of hers' that I knew and well of course, Abhi. I had even asked Manik to come considering the fact that they could both now tolerate the one another.

It was good that Navya was out for some work, we had plenty of time to decorate the house and make it party-like for a handful of people.

I was heading towards the other side when I felt my phone vibrate in my jean pocket. I reached for it. The screen flashed the name of my favourite person these days, Manik. A smile formed over my lips and I took the call.

"Hey!" I answered with a beaming smile.

"Hey, someone sounds happy today." His voice was light and I knew he was too smiling.

"Well, Its Navya's birthday tomorrow.. its a happy day. I'm excited for the party." I reasoned.

"Happy day? She's still scary sweetheart, not a happy day."

"Manik. She's my bestfriend and I'm happy for her.. even though she has to work today.. by the way, you're coming today, right?" I asked, hoping for a yes. He had been a bit busy with work and meetings and we would usually meet late at night. He would come straight to my house from Empire and would spend the night with me, mostly. And also because my boyfriend was anti-social. He just attended all of his events and parties just for the heck of it. He was against the idea of this party. Well, not against but he didn't want to be at a place full of people. We had a bit of an arguemnt over this two days back.

"And why would I want to miss even a single moment with you?" I knew he was grinning proudly because he knew he managed to make me blush. He was going to come for me.

"Is this why you called?" I threw those words, before he could say something more and turn me into a walking tomato, and diverted the topic.

"I called for a purpose, Ms. Murthy."

"What purpose would it be?"

"To make you blush, which I did," again, "and to ask if you need me to help you with the girly party decoration stuff?" He asked. We were at it again.

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