[7] : "I Want To Know You" Monster says

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"I'm sorry, Nandini" he repeated for the hundredth time.

We had been sitting in complete silence while he drove the car back home. I hadn't spoken a word since the last time we fought. I had been looking out of the window the entire time. I didn't want to talk to him. Not after what he did to me at the office.

Who gave him the right to decide who shall touch me!? I never did. And Abhimanyu was my friend, I didn't mind him being concerned about me.. And its not like he tried kissing me or tried a flick on me. He was just asking and actually bothered about that little cut over my lip to which Mr Monster Malhotra heeded no attention!

"Nandini, look at me!" He raised his voice when I didn't respond to his soft 'I'm sorry'.

"What?" I looked at him in irritation.

He cut swiftly through the city traffic and stopped the car in a almost deserted street. He shifted a bit on his seat and sat facing me.

"I'm sorry Nandini.." He said again in an apologetic tone.

"Manik please-"I looked straight ahead, folding my arms across my chest, caring not a bit about his fake sorry "-your sorry has no meaning to it. One moment you'll apologize and the next you'll be back to what you are!" A jerk.

"Nandini, I said I'm sorry!" His tone changed from apologetic to irritated, "I shouldn't have been harsh on you.."

"Why are you sorry Manik?" I sat facing him, now ready with some serious questions, "Manik Malhotra.. I mean The MANIK MALHOTRA, who doesn't care about anyone else but himself, who doesn't give a damn about whether I hurt or not, is apologizing today? Why?" I widened my eyes, demanding a response.

"No wait, I get it.!" He just about to speak up when I interrupted him, "So maybe Manik you're thinking that if you don't say sorry then maybe your action will come to rest? Right?? Thats what you are thinking? Thats why you thought that apologizing to me would make me fall into the bed with you once again? Whether you mean it or not, it doesn't matter right?" I was angry and hurt at the same time. He kisses me whenever he wants, he pushes me away the next moment, he commands me not to let anyone else near me and then he distances himself too! He's clearly toying with me!

"Nandini, it's not how it looks okay? He tried defending himself but I was not in a mood to listen.

"No Manik, this is exactly how it looks like. You don't care whether I get cuts or bruises or I bleed to death! But if some poor guy, my friend, shows a little bit concern towards me you should *boom* snap at me!" I kept blabbering whatever came to my head.

While I was blurting out all the anger inside me, he listened to me patiently, not a word did he utter. His eyes were fixed on my face which was now probably red because of the anger.

"But now.. enough. No more. I'm tired of your crap and this stuff. I want out and I'm not listening to you at all, and you can go to hel–" And within a flick of a second he cupped my face into his hands and landed his lips onto mine.

I wasn't expecting that, at least not now! I was angry and shouting upon him like a maniac and this is what he did! How shameless could one be? My eyes widened in response to that kiss and I pulled out the next instant.

"You need to learn to stay shut, sweetheart."

"What the hell?" I charged at him again but stopped as I saw his face nearing mine again.

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