chapter3: This is the End or New Beginning?

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"You don't know what is good for you Sarah, you never listen to us, your mom is right, you are getting stubborn, you have almost failed in your test, why, where is your mind these days?" Dad shouted at me.

"My mom is dead, she isn't my mom, don't you ever call her my mom!...huh, she doesn't even care I am living or dead". I almost screamed.

My dad came home after a week, God knows from where, met his wife and decided to scold me in the dining area while eating. That woman was getting on my nerves now. Yes, I had hardly passed my test because I hated maths. Yes, you read it right, I hated maths with passion and she had brainwashed dad to coerce me into double maths. God, she disgusted me with her antics.

"Don't talk back to your dad, and stop shouting, that is so unladylike behavior"

The nerve of that woman.

I just opened my mouth to speak back to her when I saw granpa's disapproving expression. I swear I could have punched her straight in the face if granpa wasn't sitting there. He always knew how to calm me down.

I ignored her and spoke to dad without giving her a single look.
"Dad my brain doesn't seem to cope with calculus, numbers confuse me...ughhh, how to put it" i looked towards his face and granpa's side to side " why don't you people get this ? Its just that, uh, i don't find it in me to study maths"

Granpa sat silent on the sofa, observing dad with pondering eyes. Dad didn't look towards him, as usual. He just gave orders in his final tone.
"Listen to me and listen good. Your useless craze for that English Literature will take you nowhere. I am not sending you to that institute for nothing. You are going to take maths in further studies. End of discussion." With that he walked out of the room. He didn't even wait for me to say anything. WTH, HUH!!

No, we weren't done yet. His wife yet had to tease me further with her "world amazing"lecture. Note my sarcasm. Yeah, i am bloody sarcastic.
She walked to granpa, crossing me directly to the chair next to granpa's sofa and began discussing me like i wasn't there at all. Oh Yeah, now suddenly I was invisible to her?

"Look dad, this is all being done for her own good. She needs to get her head out of those, uh those stupid romance novels she reads. This is why she is into that literature stuff. You know what she's been upto ? How she wasted her time over her little infatuation with Sam?" Now that got my face all red, but I stayed quite clenching my fists. "Sam didn't tell me this. Liza told me. What a nice boy he is. See how he is excelling in academics and look at her" Now she was snorting at me by eying me for a moment. She shifted her eyes back to granpa, "What I want to say is, don't support her behavior please, tell her or better convince her to opt maths. And tell her to not repeat those things at college there". She glared at me uttering the last line and went straight out of the front door. Same like dad.

I had a hunch she was setting Liza with Sam. But what was it to me now?


I was done with the chapter of Sam in my life. Sealed it for good. Yes, there was still something that pricked in my heart. But that was not feelings for Sam. It was rejection that did hurt.

I would get over it with time.

Dad and his wife were moving to other city and granpa was going to live with his other son. Uncle Adam. So this home would be locked.

I had to move out too. And move on too. New city. New college. Four years to survive among all strangers!!! Only God could know what was coming my way on those next four years.

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