Chapter 9: Chase Begins

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Pictures of Sam on facebook were open before my eyes, pictures that were so clear in giving away what was happening all those years. One after another, in each of them I could see myself looking towards him with longing eyes. There were long comments from me and only "ok" and "yeah" from him.

God, why I was so oblivious ?

Only now I was noticing it, he was never looking back at me. My eyes were fixed on the pictures, while Nati's eyes were glued to my face. I knew it then that I cannot prolong her questions anymore. So I sighed and opened my mouth, finding my voice.

"Would you make tea today ? Its evening and I am badly craving a cup". With that I went to the balcony and sat there waiting for her; I knew that's how she was planning to ask me so I made it easier for her.

I sat down bending my legs, wrapping my arms around them and placing my chin on knees. Evening was turning into night, it was a moment of transformation; blues in the sky were merging into blacks and winters were leaving the balcony. It could be felt in the air. I was tired, deep down to my bones, but I couldn't decipher if this exhaustion was physical or emotional.

There were things I needed to get off my chest.

"So, I'm back, take your cup Sari, but you are going to make evening tea for all rest of the days here"

I just laughed it off, "okay, Nati"

When the laughter died down, a moment of silence lurked back into the balcony.

It was time to break it.

"Sam, his name is Sam" I gulped loudly "my stupid childhood crush"

She didn't respond, just gave me breathable space to continue, so I did, "I was so naive". I laughed a bitter laugh, "I thought… I-I dunno, what I was thinking… he never, even considered me a friend. H-He , he never thought about me in anyway. It was only me, thinking about him, while he was busy with someone else, all those years"

Nati was silently listening so I continued telling her every other detail about Sam, every thing that did hurt. I took it all out of me. I felt a little better, but just a little.

I had paused in that moment, once again. I was finished, there was nothing left to say when Nati spoke after taking a long breath.

"Sari, I dunno what should I tell you to make you feel better, but I would only say that may be Sam was not the man for you, he couldn't see you in the totality of "the woman" you are for his own reasons, but that doesn't mean no one else would. All I have to say is, please don't keep judging people in your future for what you have suffered in past"

She moved inside the room, while I kept thinking.

Easier said than done !


Two days later.

"No Sari, you are going to treat me in the cafe"

"No Nati, you have also passed the test so why should I only ?"

"Come on Sari, you owe me, I had made you a cup of tea, remember ? and its your dream come true"

"Nati, now you are exploiting me"

I had passed my test for English Lit. and so had Nati. Now we were bickering at campus, about who was going to give the treat.

We both huffed in frustration, because neither of us was winning it. We saw the same girl we called "friendless" entering the passage, but she was not alone, there was some friend with her.

Nati looked at me and arched her brow. That girl was eating pizza with her friend, when she saw us looking at her, she offered us some. Now it was my turn to raise brows at Nati.

She must have heard us bickering about treat.

"Hello, I'm Amy and she is Momo, my friend", she spoke and brought my attention back to her.

Amy was a nice girl and her friend was chubby, but cute in her own way.

Before I could open my mouth to decline her offer of pizza, Nati already snatched it. I tilted my head to Nati, but she totally ignored me, pretending to be busy in eating pizza.

My stomach growled.
Mouthwatering, delicious aroma.

Nati gave me mischevious smirk, "you wanna have some Sari ?", I was about to nod when she swallowed it whole. I frowned at her and she started laughing loudly. Amy and Momo were also laughing now. Noticing my frown, Amy offered me another slice. That was it, I was hungry, so I hastily took a bite but Nati plunged on this one too, "No Nati, give it back to me you can't do this". I almost cried. She gave me a challenging look and started running away. I shouted her name and ran after her. I reached her, snatched the renaming slice back and shoved it in my mouth. We were laughing like mad girls now. When we emerged out of that 'fit of laughter' I felt someone's gaze on my back, like we were being noticed.

Someone has observed our childish act, how embarrassing !

I turned around and found those same brown orbs looking at…me ?

Oh come on Sari, you are misjudging, again !

I was still looking when he started moving towards us. My eyes grew wide. This couldn't be happening. Before I had time to process it, he was practically in my face,
"hey beautiful, tissue ?". He raised a piece of tissue to me. I snapped at him, "excuse me, I don't need it and don't call me 'that' again". With that I started away, without giving a single glance back, but I still heard him saying after me,

"I was talking to your friend, she is really beautiful, anyways its Zain and nice to meet you too"

Flirt !

What I didn't expect to hear post that was Nati's loud laughter.

Was she already being charmed ?

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