Chapter 6: My Roommate

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I was walking back to hostel after spending first day at campus.

It was a good day.

I felt someone was following me. I turner around and saw Nati there. I quirked an eye brow to her, "Don't tell me you are following me to my hostel?"

She laughed, "Don't tell me you are following me to my hostel?"

"Block A ? Its my block"

"Its my block too" she claimed.

It was like music to my ears. I got excited. So my voice came out as a squeal, "Really, Wow, Now I have someone I know there"

I clapped my hands and she copied me, " Yes, Yes now lets walk together"

We were crossing the road when we saw there, three of them from the cafe. Those two idiots were making funny faces, like telling some hilarious story. A black car, in all its glory, was parked by a shop corner and the one "who wasn't our class mate" (according to us) was leaning by it. His black leather jacket was as black as the car against it. He surely was handsome.

As handsome as Sam. As tall as him...he would be cold like him too...

He was laughing on their jokes, when he stopped. His eyes met mine for a moment. Those light brown orbs were reflecting sunlight.

His eyes were nothing like Sam's.

His eyes and laughter was heart warming. But my heart is mostly wrong in signals. I couldn't trust it.

Not Again.

Nati nudged me with her elbow in the ribs, I tilted my head to her and she gave me an evil grin.

"What ?". I snapped to her.

"I saw that". Her grin grew wider.

I rolled my eyes and dragged her forward. "Lets go from here"

We resumed walking and when we reached around the corner I remembered something, " Hey, Nati, I forgot I had to grab water bottles for use, you go ahead, i'll catch up with you later"

She nodded and went to the elevator.

When I reached back to my room with water bottles. I found my door unlocked.

Had I forgotten to lock it? May be... I am capable of messing up anything :/

I opened the door and found Nati sitting on the other bed. She spoke before I could say anything, " What are you doing here ?"

"What are you doing here, wait! how did you unlock the door ?"

She flashed her all white teeth,

"I have Keys". She showed me keys, key-ring with "103".

And it sank into my brain.

So I gave her an equally bright smile, "So where were you last night, roommate ?"

"Friend's place, Come on, I don't stay in on weekends" She winked.

I tried to maintain a poker face. But failed. She saw it, " Oh please don't get wrong ideas, Its a "female friend", she is really cool. You should meet her sometime". She used her fingers to make commas in air to emphasize "female friend".

I just grinned while responding, "I didn't say anything"

"I saw that face", She shot back. "Sari I will tell you when I meet the Mr. Right. I am totally single at the moment, but you tell me do you have anyone special in your life ?".Now she was giving me that evil grin.

I was surely not up for that conversation yet.

"No one" I uttered in a low tone looking at some far off corner.

"Well I had to discuss something else with you Nati, what major are you going for?"

"Sari I know you are changing the topic, so there is surely something up". She arched a brow with suspicion and added "but I would let it go for now, and about my major, we have few days to think, I am still not sure, what about you ?"

"My dad is forcing me to maths, but I hate it, I want to take English Lit. I love it. But I am afraid I am not capable enough for it...for anything, they think". I laughed a bitter laugh saying the last sentence.

"At least you should sit in the test for it and rest can be seen later and you don't know what you are capable of unless you try. You can be capable of anything" Nati explained her point.

She had a point. So I nodded.

"Point taken" I smiled. "I am going to give it a try, I am so going to sit in that damn test!"

"Yayy". She raised her fist in the air and I bumped it.

But then I said something I was thinking for a while now, "Yes, I am capable of anything...of messing up anything actually". My smile disappeared remembering all the terrible words said to me till date.

"Good for nothing"

"Hopeless case"

"OMG, YOU ARE SO MUCH NEGATIVE". Nati's loud voice stroke with my ears.

"Calm down woman, are you trying to break my ear drums ?"

She nodded her head vigorously and shouted again "Has anyone told you before that you are full of negative shit ?"

"Yes, my grandpa did, but not the 'shit' part of it"

And with that we burst out laughing.

Grandpa. I totally forgot to call him. I would do it in the evening.

I hope he would be fine.

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