Days of Healing

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I was still writing and that ache in my heart had now started turning into some numbness, now I could speak about it all out loud too. Things were changing for me and it dawned on me when one day Zain casually suggested something and it didn't bother me as it would have before. I realized it with time that we can forget about anything and everything as the life moves forward. There is nothing on the face of this earth, no human emotion that won't be swallowed overtime. The best thing about human beings and the worst both are same: the don't remain same. These were the days, when I look back now I reckon that I was entering this 'no man's earth' that I live on now.

Me, Nati, Momo, Amy, Zain and his two other friends, we all were gathered in some near by restaurant that day.

Nati said, "Where have you been lost these past days Sari ?"

Before I could reply her Momo lightly punched Zain in the biceps and repeated the same question, "and where have you been lost mister", she grinned and exhanged a suggestive look with Nati who completed Momo's question, "these past days ?"

Now both of them were looking at us with evil smiles, "whats going on here ?"

"Stop it guys". I rolled my eyes at them, "Nothing is going on and nothing will"

Some unreadable expression crossed Zain's face but he covered it quickly and said" Ouch, you have hurt my handsome ego, beautiful". He stroke his hand on his chest dramatically.

"Oh, Now have I really, handsome?". I mentally rolled my eyes at him calling me 'beautiful' casually. I guessed he had quite a habit of that.

"Zain are we still going on to that open mike night that we always go to ?" Momo asked and thankfully changed the topic.

"Yes, we are but I am hoping Sarah should join us too this time around", he shifted his gaze from Momo to me "but its a pretty daring place so I don't think she would come". He smirked

"Why? what happens there that is so daring, is it something naughty?" Nati asked in fake whispering tone and snorted with laughter.

I glared at Zain and grimaced at the tone of Nati.

Zain smirked, "Well if you put it that way, it takes guts to show up, so people who speak there are pretty much daring, they say things to public that you wouldn't dare to say in a room alone." He eyed me with raised brow "and I am not sure Sarah has got that in her"

I knew what was he playing at, still I gave into it and accepted the challenge, "Oh yeah ? then wait for me to show up buddy". I looked straight into his eyes and smirked back.

I don't know why I had agreed to Zain. The fact was that I was still fidgety about it. It was still two weeks away though, but I hadn't given much thought to what I was going to say there.

The good part was that I wasn't stuck at the same place. I had progressed. I finally found the courage to meet the magazine editor of my college and she had accepted my draft. I was more open to criticism now. I had learned one thing through it all that if we want to survive in this world we must not react emotionally to everything around us. Not everything is meant to be taken personally. My academic work was criticized but appreciated as well by Mr Hart. I welcomed it all. We were few months way from our final exams now. All was getting back on the track, well it was a beginning if nothing else.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2018 ⏰

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