One Summer Noon with Him

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I have always felt there is something special about the afternoons when the winter is going into summers, but this feeling was stronger that day.

After we had lunch at the restaurant, we exited from there but instead of parting ways and saying goodbyes, they decided to hang out together a little longer.

And obviously I had to be part of it.

So four of us, Momo, Nati, Amy and me went to a nearby public park, basically it was Momo and Nati's plan and they had dragged me and Amy along.

I had no qualms in coming along but of course, Momo is Momo, the violent queen, she had invited her friends along and no one in their right mind can say no to her, unless you want your ribs broken.

So that's how I ended up in a public park on a strangely quite Sunday afternoon. After walking for a while I sat down beside a tree, leaning my back on it's trunk, straightening my legs before me.

Momo, Nati, Zain, his friends and Amy were trying to play something with a ball, may be football ? I don't know much about sports anyway. I was just watching them kicking it, mostly Zain was taking the lead and rest were like chasing him. He kicked it one more time, forcefully waving his foot all through the space right into the ball, it flew in the air and landed across his friend Daar, on the other end. It was all happening in slow motion in my head. With that he jumped up , raising his fist towards the sky.

"Oh Yes, yayyy right in your face man". He made some weird victory cry.

"Whatever man, whatever". Daar grimaced in response.

Zain just laughed more, hooting him when Momo smacked his head,

"Ow, woman what was that for"

"You know what , we are also here idiot, let's have a fair match, three of you fools and three of us awesome girls", Momo smirked.

Zain smirked right back at her, "oh yeah ladies ? then game's on"

Asher appeared behind him and hollered, "so who is going for it first ?"

I saw from my sitting position, both Momo and Nati's head tilting towards Amy and that only meant one thing.

Amy was their scape goat.

She shook her head but they pushed her forward. Asher saw her bewildered expressions and turned around snorting at her.

Amy kicked the ball and it landed straight on his back. This made us all burst out laughing.

"The girl surely knows how to kick ". Zain muttered between his uncontrolled laughter.

Hearing his natural, carefree laughter, seeing his shenanigans with friends brought a mild smile on my face.

He didn't hold back, like Sam used to do.

May be Nati is right, I have seen only one kind of men so far and I have yet a lot to see. I could see  Nati and Amy becoming his fan already. He surely had a way with words. But can we really judge people by what "words" they use ? He surely doesn't mean it when he calls random women 'beautiful'.Human beings are really complicated  or may be I was being too skeptical ?

Whatever, I wasn't planning on studying them, specially men. I had a rather opposite plan; staying away as far as possible.

One bruise on my ego is enough for now!

I didn't realize I had zoned out sitting there, I came back to senses when Nati clapped in my face, "Earth to Sari, where are you lost ?"

"Hey why don't you come and join us ?"

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