Chapter 7: He Had a Name

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New Chapter update just for you @hafsaSahar and ceeebss :-P


"Smack that all on the floor, Smack that, O, oOoooOooooO"

"Smack that all on the floor, Smack that, O, oOoooOooooO"

"Smack that all on the flo..."

"Oh My God, what has gotten into you, its six in the morning Nati, stop singing now". That was enough. I had to shout now. I was trying to shout actually, still in my sleep, rubbing my eyes and blocking my ears with pillows.

"I a-am n-not singing-g".Nati sounded more in sleep than me.

But it surely was her voice...

"You are singing, shush". I persisted.

"Uh I-I the a-alarm"

" What ???"

By now my sleep was gone, by the 'noise' and all that arguing, so early in the morning.

I stood up from my bed and shook Nati's shoulder, "what was that, sleepy face". She replied in a low whisper, keeping her eyes shut, "I have recorded my voice as an alarm". With that Nati went back to sleep, yanking blanket all above her face and switching off her phone.

I burst out laughing and she groaned beneath the blanket.

"Nati wake up, we would get late for class". I yawned, stretched my arms and opened the door to balcony. I shook her shoulder once again before stepping into the balcony.

Sun could be seen, rising slightly, behind the trees at the edge of garden facing balcony. I inhaled deeply in the fresh morning breeze. It was oddly soothing and assuring.

"Well, well Sari i didn't know you were a morning person". I turned around to find Nati coming to the balcony with her messy hair, pajamas and over-sized t-shirt, with a picture of cat on it.

"No, I am not, its your alarm that annoyed me to wake up early, who does that woman ?"
I scrunched my nose with disgust.

Now it was her turn to laugh. "I do". She proudly said.

I just laughed along with her. "Ok, now lets go, grab something to eat and get ready to leave"

"There are still two hours in class". She nagged.


Nati and I were entering campus gate when we again saw two of those 'idiots'. Their third friend was not with them. Security guard was not letting them in. One of them had forgot their department card, i guess. Guard seemed persistent, "I won't let you in unless you show card or prove that you are a student here". He warned him.

"Oh-k, wait a sec". He grumbled and began dialing someone's number on the phone.

"Damn it, Zain is not answering, he could have settled it easily". He said to the other one with him.

I wondered who was Zain.

Nati moved to me, frowned and arched a brow in a questioning manner. I just shrugged my shoulders, unknowingly. Then we moved our heads back to the scene.

"Hey, you, yes you...I am your class fellow, please tell him to let me in". He was pointing his finger towards us, but his eyes were fixed somewhere else. We turned around and saw the girl he was 'actually' addressing.

"Please tell him, you know me, come on you do, I am your class fellow". She stood completely silent, frozen in her spot, with blank face. As if she didn't know what to do.

"Come on, just one word"
He was almost begging now.Quite literally.

While she was standing like a lady statue, all clueless. He tried every thing to get one word, one look of recognition from her. But No. Nada. While security guard was giving him 'the look'.

Nati and I were trying hard not to laugh, but that proved to be our breaking point. So we walked away laughing hard.

"Omg, t-that w-was epic". Nati was still laughing when the bell rang for first class.

Every one was rushing into the class room to settle down before Mr. Hart could come.

We noticed the same girl sitting quietly, keeping her head low.

"I guess she is friendless and doesn't speak much". Nati commented on her.

"May be, we can't say that yet". I just shrugged.

"Good Morning everyone". Mr Hart walked across the class room with tight smile and all of us stopped talking. Mr. Hart walked back to the podium and began speaking.

"So I hope you all do know what we do in this class and you are familiar with the history of English Literature, would any of you tell us what we discussed previously?"


Twenty minutes later 'those two' showed up and tried sneaking in the from back door of class room when Mr. Hart stopped them. "Well, well look everyone, who we have in the class today, why are you late Mr. Virk and Mr. Daar ?"

"I am late because of her"

The first one spoke and everyone in the class snapped their heads to the direction of his finger and we saw the same girl from the gate this morning. All eyes were on her and all color from her face was drained. Nati and I exchanged looks when Mr. Hart raised his interrogative eye brow to him and he nodded. "Yes because of her, if only she could tell the security guard, he would have let me in, but she didn't and I had forgot my id card "

Mr. Hart smiled in response and asked "so who did save you when you were being "the damsel in distress" ? "

"My savior, there he comes". He directed his hand to the front door and he entered. Nati and I looked at each other saying with our eyes 'so he is part of our class'. Our eyes shifted to him and Nati nudged me in the ribs, but I couldn't budge, couldn't take my eyes away from him that second.

Don't get it wrong I was only amazed...yeah, whatever...

Mr. Hart grinned widely and addressed him.

"Mr. Zain Hassan, welcome to the class".

He had a name!

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