Chapter 11: Meeting Him

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"Wake up, move your lazy selves out of this bed this instant, we have to be somewhere"

Momo patted our shoulders, more like dislocated them and scolded us to get up. I lazily nudged Nati on a snail's pace. Nati was laying flat on her stomach. Totally dead.

Yes, she slept like a dead body, it was almost impossible to wake her up. Momo slapped Amy across the head.

"Oww, Momo why are you beating me so early in the morning". Amy rubbed her head and sat up straight on the bed.

"It's noon princess, it's not early"

Amy and I stepped off the bed and asked Momo in unison,

"What was that all about ?"

Then we both exchanged looks and I tilted my head to Momo, getting straight to the point,

"Where do we have to be ?"

"well, there are some friends of mine and we are meeting up at McDonalds, planning to hang out and watch some movie later..."

I raised my brows at her, signaling her to finish her sentence.

"So...I was thinking If you all would come along, it would be fun...the more the merrier, right ?"

Then she got all excited on her own idea, "so hurry up, get ready".

I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed.

I wasn't sure if it was 'such a great idea' yet I couldn't reason with myself why it was a bad idea ?

Its alright that I was opening up to world, 'socializing', but wasn't it getting too fast ?

Meeting strangers ? hanging out with them ?

"Stop over thinking it, they are not gonna eat you alive for dinner"

Nati slapped the back of my head and I gave her a dirty face,

"Can you stop doing that Nati, its getting annoying"

"No", she laughed.

I rolled my eyes and wondered,

"How do you know what I was thinking, you were awake listening it ?"

"Of course I was, we had planned it"

She said it looking towards Momo and they both burst out laughing.



We entered the restaurant chirping like birds, Momo was taking the lead so she pulled the door open. Amy entered beside her, then Nati and I was the last one to enter.

I halted in my tracks the moment I stepped in.

It was him.

Sitting right infront of me.

And Momo was approaching that very same table...?

wait, why ??

Then it suddenly clicked into my head, I never asked Momo who her friends were ? and she never told me, may be purposely!

I looked towards Nati who avoided my gaze.

She knew!

God! I am so going to kill her later.

"Hey Zain, how're you doin' buddy ?"

"Hello to you too Momo, finally you 'decided' to show up on time".

He raised from the chair and made space for us. We weren't on time at all, we were at least one hour late. So he was clearly being sarcastic. Momo's reply to him confirmed it,

"Zain, you 'clearly' need to improve your sarcasm". She punched him in the bicep. So it was a 'usual' thing for momo. He was wearing a black mid sleeves t-shirt and blue faded jeans. Yet he managed to look handsome.

Looks can be deceiving. I reminded myself.

"You punch really hard for a woman". He told Momo then for a fragment of second I thought he looked to my direction.

He must have noticed me standing there, awkwardly eying him. So he spoke to us,

"Well, have seat beautiful ladies"

Seems like he had a habbit of calling random women beautiful!

I rolled my eyes, turned my head and noticed Nati already sitting and chewing the fries. Amy and I shook our head at her then took seats beside her, putting her in the middle. Momo was sitting on the opposite side with Zain and his other two friends were fitting themselves on his left side.

Zain was sitting exactly opposite me!

May be it was also a plan of Momo and Nati. Remind me to kill them later!

He was looking straight towards me.

Just great!

I knew it in that moment that it would turn out to be a long eventful day!

And guess what ?

It did!


Surpriseeee!! :D Early Update!



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