Alternate Reality

21 3 8

A/N : The longest chap I have written so far, Its so close to my heart.
Dedicated to my friend Tasveeb Afzal Meher.

It was a Friday morning, I had spent the last whole night writing and re-writing, crumpling and dumping a lot of pages in the dustbin meanwhile. It didn't feel enough yet. I didn't have to do it, but that jerk Zain had challenged me. I don't know why I was letting him get to me though.

Nati had already left for the first class with Momo and Amy, seeing that I wasn't going to come out of this frenzy any time soon.

I grabbed the hard copy of the final typed draft from my desk, hung my bag strap on my shoulder, saw myself once over in the mirror only, finding no more time to do that I exited through the door and locked the door.

I reached the College Magazine's editor's office but he/she, whoever, was not found on the seat. It was blank. I frowned and turned around to leave.

Just when I had reached the door's threshold, I heard this familiar voice.

"I knew you would come"

Zain ?

What was he doing here ? I instantly turned my head back.

"Yes, you guessed right, its me, the infamous Zain himself. You can believe your eyes now and close your mouth too" He was showing toothy grin now.

I swiftly closed my mouth hanging open and threw the most obvious question on him, ignoring all other questions and feelings.

"What are you doing here ?"

"No, no that's not important right now, let me see what you have written". He leapt forward and took the draft from my clutches. When I opened my mouth to protest against it, he raised his brows questioning, as if challenging you would let me see it if you are not insecure.

So I retracted my hand. I let him read it, trying to calm my self I took a long breath in. His four head was creased, brows furrowed in concentration and eyes never leaving the paper. He spoke after a while.

"Its crappy"

"What??"I shouted with shock.

His eyes shifted from paper to me and he spoke keeping his face expressionless.

"You heard me"

I can't believe the nerve of this man; first he asks for it and then calls it 'crappy'. May be it was his plan to humiliate me, why would he do it otherwise ? What an insufferable jerk !

I snatched my piece of paper from his hand and exited the office with a snort, without casting second glance on him.

My mood was totally ruined for the day, so I decided to head back to dorms, instead of 'bearing' with classes.

I directly hit the bed, straight after entering the door. I felt really exhausted, I didn't know in that moment what was coming next would be 'exhausting' in true sense of the word.

My phone rang after a while and I got excited seeing it was my grandpa, "hello !! Granpa!! What a pleasant surprise !" I greeted him in the most cheerful voice.

"Sari, how are you doing ? my daughter, I missed you, I am back home for the weekend, why don't you come and join me ? I need to tell you something, will tell you when you come home" Granpa spoke with hopeful tone.

"I am fine granpa, and sure, I'll come to see you, bye granpa, I have to go, see ya, tc"

I couldn't talk more, there was something bothersome.

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