chapter 10: Life with Friends

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"Well, well isn't he charming ?"

Nati was jumping around, singing it in my ears. Typical Nati!

I scoffed, "oh no! Not again Nati!"

She loudly laughed finding it amusing for her 'non-sense' reasons and asked, " Why do you not like talking about him ?"

I raised my eye brow at her and shot back, "why do you like talking about him ?"

She maintained her evil grin and replied, "for you". As if it was the most logical answer.

I rolled my eyes and turned my back to her putting an end to the discussion. But Nati is well... Nati! so I knew it wasn't the end for her. I was hell tired after a hectic day at campus. Mr Hart can really suck your blood. I sighed and moved towards the bed with the intention of completing my essay for English Literature, when Nati interrupted my train of thoughts.

"It wouldn't have killed you to be a little polite to him Sari, why were you so rude ?"

"I wasn't"

"You were and you know it"

May be I was.

"He was clearly flirting Nati! " I said in my most infuriating tone.

"So ?" Nati calmly spoke as if it was no big deal.

"So? so I am not interested!"

"That doesn't mean you had to be that rude". She kept chewing her chips casually sitting on the bed so I decided to put my head back into assignment.

I opened my laptop and reached to the word document, resuming writing on John Keats, thinking about his life and what to write next. Ten minutes later I was completely invested in my essay, typing while keeping my head down that I didn't notice Nati leaving her bed at all.

I jerked up when someone slapped on the back of my head and burst out laughing.

"What the hell Nati ?" I winced rubbing my head but she still found it amusing and kept laughing.

"What the hell ? Its Saturday and who the hell studies on a weekend, leave this stupid assignment". She moved her hands exaggeratedly.

"You are so weird Nati, first you almost crack my skull and then you keep laughing ?" She still kept laughing. Annoying.

"I am not going to any lame party, let me study". Having declared that, I moved back on the bed relaxing on my previous spot.

"Ok, we wouldn't go to any party, we are going to meet Momo and Amy. I am going out for ten minutes and when I come back I would definitely break your skull if you are still seen with that stupid assignment! Move woman !" With that Nati barged out of the room.

"We didn't know you were staying so close to our dorm". I rubbed my chin and tried to have further conversation with Momo. We all were past the 'basic-formal introduction' phase by now.

We were sitting on couch in Momo's dorm, it was nice comfy-looking room, much like ours.

"Yes, and guess what ? Its gonna be more close because I am moving in to Amy's dorm which is next to you, if you have noticed". Momo was saying it all with excitement in her voice. I guess Amy, who was sitting next to her right now was really good friend. Momo was talkative and welcoming, turns out I didn't have to try to have conversation. It was easy.

Amy just nodded her head and gave us a smile. She wasn't rude, she just didn't talk much. In fact she was quite decent, dressed in a plain white shirt, blue jeans and simple braid. She was elegant.

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