Chapter 3

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I woke up in the morning, my back hurting a lot from the uncomfortable couch. I shot up, remembering that I hadn't slept on the couch, in fact I had been on the ground. "Good morning." chirped Roy from behind the couch.

I turned to look at him, he was wearing somethng different from last night. "Good morning." I said, grogily. He smiled and took a sip of the mug I had failed to notice before. 

"Get ready for school. Your parents already left so I came over to wake you up." he said, chaking his watch. "You have thirty minutes." he said, walking back to the kitchen. I gpt up and ran to my room, picking a pair of grey leggings and a light blue off-the-shoulder long shirt. 

I showered and changed in less than ten minutes and then let hair down, putting a little mouse to hold it down. I didn't bother with make up and proceeded on brushing my teeth. I checked in the mirror and smiled.

"Perfect." I whispered, putting on my white sandals. I grabbed my book bag and went downstairs, meeting Roy at the front door.

"You look nice." he smiled, handing me a starbucks cup. "Caramel frapuccino, hope you like it." he said, pushing me out the door.

I took a sip and savored the taste. "My favorite." I told him, getting into his old camry. "Hey, aren't you like twenty-five years old?" I asked him, doing the math in my brain.

He laughed and turned to look at me. "You do remember me huh? It's not hard to forget your first kiss or love." he winked, making me blush.

"No, I don't remember any of that, but I do remember you." I said, looking out the window. I heard him chuckle and turned to look at him.

"Face it, your emberassed that I was the one who stole your first kiss. Or is it the fact that you remember how good of a kisser I am?" he asked, stopping at a red light.

I snorted, rolling my eyes. "I doubt you kiss good. Maybe that's why I decided to forget all of that. If it's even true." I said, knowing he was right. 

"Baby, I will prove to you that I am the best kisser ever." he said. 

"How?" I asked him, not taking his words seriously.

"Like this." he said, pulling me closer to him and kissing me on the lips. I staid still, too shock to even response or push him away. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and I pushed him away.

"You're gross!" I squealed, wipping my outh. "And a pedophile." I said, covering my mouth and looking away from him. He laughed and I risked a glance at him. He started moving the car, turning on the street of the school.

"Admit it, you liked it." he said, making my cheeks burn brightly. He glared at him, opening the door as soon as it came to a stop.

"Screw you." I said, getting off and walking to Megan and Marco. They smiled as I came into view and Meg ran to me.

"Sunshine, I'm so sorry about last night. Dad got home a little too early and didn't let me go out." she appoligized.

"It's okay. I sorta fell asleep." I admitted, shrugging it off. She laughed and held on to my arm. 

"So, was that Mr. Waters?" she asked, looking at the parking lot. I rolled my eyes, nothing ever escaped from her.

"Yeah, he is sorta an old family friend and my parents called him to bring me to school because they had to leave early." I explained, not daring to mention last night. 

"You're so lucky." she exclaimed, smiling brightly at me. I laughed, coming to a complete stop. 

"No, I'm not lucky." I said, pulling my arm away from her death grip. "I just happen to know this guy sinc eI was little." 

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