Chapter 21

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Roy sat on the couch, pulling me down with him. He put me on his lap, tucking my head under his chin. He rubbed small circles on my back. "Do you remember the first time we ever got into a fight?" Roy asked, chuckling to himself.

I pulled away from him, raising my eyebrows confused. "When we were kids or since we met up again?" I asked him.

"When we met up again. I really don't recall ever having a fight with you when we were kids." he said, pulling me closer to him. He moved me a little, making both of my knees cradle him. 

"The one where I called you all those horrible names and said that you are a good for nothing that can't even keep a girl?" I asked him, running my hands through his hair. He chuckled, nodding his head.

He pulled me even closer, running his hand on the lengths of my body and legs. "I can prove you wrong." he said softly, caressing my cheek.

I smiled, leaning closer to him. "You already have." I said, kissing him softly. I pulled away, watching as he slowly got over the shock of my kissing him. I giggled when he frowned, making him pull me down again and kiss me harder. 

"You really shouldn't have done that. Now I won't be able to stop." he growled, moving on the couch so that I was lying under him. 

"Maybe I don't want you to stop." I said, pulling him down on me and kissing him passionately. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and started unbuttoning my shirt. He pulled away, taking off his shirt and then started kissing down my neck.

I run my hands on his bare chest and back, digging my nails into his skin when he bit on my skin. I moaned loudly when he ran his finger over my hips. "Sunshine," he said. He didn't give me time to answer. He kissed me again, this time slower and kinder.

"Hm," I hummed, to busy enjoying what he was doing to me to actually answer with words. He didn't answer me right away, kissing down my jaw and neck until he got to my breasts.

"I love you." he said, looking up at me. I opened my eyes, staring into his grey eyes. He smiled, resting his head on my chest and wrapping his hand with mine.

"You, what?" I asked, making sure I heard him right.

He laughed, lifting his head and hovering right above me. "I said I love you. From the moment I saw you in class, I couldn't get you out of my head. The way you smiled at Marco made me want to do anything to see you smile at me like that. And when you laughed, it just made my day a million times better and a million times brighter.

"I hate the fact that I was so desperate that I went and cheated on you. Watching you go through all that pain killed me and I swore I would never do anything to hurt you again." he said, putting his hands on both side of my head. "I am hooked up on you and I'm not ashamed to admit it." 

I could feel tears forming in my eyes and I smiled up at him. "I love you too." I whispered. I closed my eyes as he continued kissing me. "But what happened to waiting?" I asked, once he had pulled away again.

"Screw it," he smiled. "I'd rather break all the rules and be happy."

I woke up later that day, my body was still sticky from what Roy and I had been doing. I lifted my head up from Roy's chest and looked around confused. Why had I woken up? I thought to myself. I laid my head back down and then heard it again.

There was a faint knocking noise. At first I thought it was the rain hitting the window, but then it grew louder, and louder, and louder. Then it stopped. I shook Roy's sleeping body, watching as he slowly opened his grey eyes. 

"Listen," I said softly, waiting until the knocking continued. His body stiffened and he shot up, hitting his head with mine.

"I will be in our room." he said, getting off the couch and stretching. I picked up my clothes and put it on, throwing him his clothes. "I'll be waiting." he winked, walking away naked.

I went to the mirror, groaning when I saw a love bite on my neck. I quickly fixed my blond hair, throwing it into a messy bun and fixed my make up. The knocking continued and I growled, running tot he door and throwing it open.

Dina stood on the other side, looking freaked out. "Oh Sunshine! I was so worried about you." she gushed, pulling me into a hug. "I tried calling your phone but it kept sending me to voice mail and Roy wouldn't answer either."

I smiled at her. "Everything is fine Dina. I turned off my phone so that no one could bother me." I explained.

"Is Roy home?" she asked, walking in and looked around. I followed her, suddenly remembering that I hadn't checked the couch to see if there was any evidence of what had happened a few hours earlier.

"Yeah, he's in the room. You can go check on him. I was just about to start dinner." I lied, showing her the way to our room. She smiled, opening the door.

I ran to the living room, using a towel that hung on the back of a chair to clean up the mess. I then went to the laundry room and threw it in there, walking out and going to the kitchen. Dina walked out of the room, her eyes wide and knowing.

"Sunshine sweetheart, you didn't have to lie to me. You could have told me that you and Roy where in the middle of something and I could have come by some other time." she said, opening the front door. "Oh and your mother is going to be staying with us for a while."

I could feel my cheeks turn red as I realized what she meant and smiled at her. "see you soon Dina." I said, locking the door behind her. I let out a deep breath and walked to the room. "Roy, what the he-" I stopped mid sentence as I saw him stroking his member.

"That was the worst thing right now. but I had a feeling my mother would leave. No come join me baby girl." Roy said, rubbing the spot next to him. I shook my head, climbing on the bed and taking off my clothes.


I know it took me a long time to upload, but as I said before I had a major writer's block but now I'm better:) I was feeling in the mood for something sweet and this happened. Lol, hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to vote and comment. 

How do you guys feel about his confesion? I would love to hear feedback so let me have it:)

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