Chapter 14

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"Jerk!" I yelled, once he pulled away. I hit his shoulder, pushing him away from me. I wiped my mouth, feeling my body shudder at his touch. 

"Sunshine, I'm your husband and you have to be okay with kissing me." Roy said, his voice sounding annoyed. "Hell you gotta even have sex with me and be okay with it!" he yelled. I could feel my face heat up and I just looked away. He snorted, moving behind me.

"Get away." I whispered, attempting to push him away. He didn't move, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Sunshine, I really care about you. I might not show it all the time, but you have grown on me." he said, kissing the soft spot behind my ear. I spun around in his arms, coming face to face with him.

"Grown on you? You make me sound like some type of disease." I said, looking away from him. He laughed, pulling me closer to him.

"Sunshine, be mine? And I mean body and soul and heart." he asked so suddenly. I froze, making him pull away. He gave me a nervous look.

"Roy, I'm not even eighteen yet. I have like two more weeks before we can do anything physical. And I don't think two weeks is enough to make me fall in love with you." I said, pulling away from him. He rolled him eyes, letting his arms fall.

"So, once you turn eighteen you'll be mine?" he asked, his eyes filled with excitement. I had to bite my lower lip from laughing.

"If I fall in love with you I will." I said, turning off the flashlight. The tent got dark, making it easier for me to get away from Roy. I pulled my hair into a messy pony tail, getting into one of the sleeping bags.

I sat in the tent, watching as Roy slept. He looked peaceful and for once, I couldn't stop smiling. I sighed, my face turning a light pink at the thought of him catching me. I turned away, pulling on my boots and getting out of the small tent.

I took a seat at the bench, looking around at the trees, spotting a lizard here and there. "Good morning." someone said behind me. I turned around, half expecting it to be someone from school. There stood a boy, about nineteen years old. He smiled at me, showing perfectly straight and white teeth. "Mind if I join you?" he asked, cocking his head to the side.

I shrugged, moving a little to the left. He was a cute guy, his brown shaggy hair reaching his eyebrows. His eyes a soft green and his lips small and pink. 

"Are you here alone?" he asked, his eyes never leaving my face. I gave him a small smile, looking down at my hands. The sun caught the ring on my finger, making it sparkle.

"No," I replied, looking ahead. "I'm here with someone." 

"Who?" he asked, scooting closer.

"With me." Roy said behind me. I turned around, finding him coming out of the tent, his shirt wrinkled from sleeping in such a small place and his hair sticking up in every directions. His gray eyes narrowed.

The boy scooted away from him, scratching the back of his neck. "Oh, well I mean I just saw here and I wanted to start small talk." he said, his voice shaking with fear. 

I bit my lower lip from laughing. "Yeah, get out of here." Roy said, slamming his fist down on the table. The boy stood up, walking away quickly from our grounds. 

I let out a small laugh, turning away from Roy. "You could have been nicer Roy." I said, my voice low but amused.

"I let you out of my sight for a few minutes and I already got all these guys hitting on you. Not cool when we're on our honeymoon." he commented, taking a seat next to me. He pulled me to his chest, resting his chin on the top of my head.

"I don't think of this as a honeymoon." I said, letting myself relax in his arms. "It's more of some free time from our parents. A real honeymoon would be going to Fiji, or Hawaii. Somewhere far away from everyone. Our own little temporary world."

Roy chuckled, his laugh rumbling inside of me. I got chills on my arm by just listening to him laugh. "Spoken like a true poetic. That's why you are passing English." he joked, kissing my neck. "Want to go for a swim?"

I looked up at him. "It's cold and you want me to go for a swim?"

He laughed, pushing me off the bench. "It'll be fun! I love swimming here." he said, getting up and taking me inside the tent. He went through one of the bags, pulling out a yellow bathing suit. He threw it at me, looking for his trunks.

"Okay, but if you look at me, I'll smack the crap out of you." I threatened, taking off the shirt I was wearing. I quickly replaced my bra with the bathing suit's top and followed shortly with the bottom. I put on a tank top and some shorts, keeping my boots on. 

I turned around, finding Roy standing with his back facing me. He already had his trunks on, leaving him shirtless. "You ready?" he asked, not even daring to turn his head. I smirked, quietly making my way to him. I jumped on his back, wrapping my arms and kegs around him.

"More than ready, Babe." I said, whispering the last word rather seductively. He shuddered, making me laugh as I got off him. "Let's go." I said, holding his hand and pulling him out of the tent. I shivered a little as the fresh morning air hit my bare shoulders. "Lead the way." I said, waiting for him to move.

He shook his head, pulling me behind him as we walked down a trail. We seemed to be walking for ages until I could hear the river. I looked at Roy, not even trying to hide the excitement. "Do you hear it?" I asked him, clutching his hand with both of mine. He smiled at me.

He gave me a genuine smile that showed he was also enjoying this moment. "Yes I can. You'll be able to see the river a few steps ahead. You can see it through the trees." he commented, pointing ahead of us. 

I let go of his hand, jogging up ahead to get a glimpse at the river. And just like he had said, the river was soon visible. I gasped, looking at the immense beauty of the river. "Oh my God! Roy, come and take a look!" I said, feeling my eyes water at the happiness I felt. He quickened his pace, reaching me in a matter of seconds. "It's beautiful." I exclaimed, putting my hands to my chest.

"Not as beautful as you." he whispered, kissing my cheek. I could feel my face heat up, but I didn't let him see it.

"Hurry Roy! I want to see where it leads too." I said, pulling him. He laughed, letting me take the lead. I was soon able to smell the sea water. The smell making my nose sting little, but I loved it nonetheless. 

We walked through a small break of trees and I was finally able to see where the river met with the ocean. "Ready to swim?" Roy asked, kicking off his shoes. I took off my own boots, taking off the shirt and socks. 

"Did you bring a towel?" I asked him, completely forgetting about that. He nodded, taking out a couple of towels from his trunks' pocket. "Huh, I never noticed that." I said, putting my hands on my waist.

"Let's go in." he said, slowly putting the towels on the floor next to our shoes. I walked to the edge of the water, holding out my foot to touch the water. Roy howled, taking hold of my waist and plunging us into the water.

I gasped as ice cold water hit my body. I closed my eyes, screaming a little under the soft current. I swam up, coughing and gasping for air. I swam to the edge, my body shaking from the sudden cold. Roy came out of the water, shaking his head. 

He looked at me, a smirk clear on his lips. "Jerk!" I screamed, pulling my knees to my chest. My teeth clattered, making my voice sound less menacing than I had intended it to.

"I'm sorry. I just knew that if you touched the water, you would get in." He replied, swimming to the shore. He got out, taking a seat next to me. He kissed my forehead, laughing quietly. "You're so cute." he whispered, getting up and grabbing a towel. He wrapped it around me, massaging my shoulders.


Please vote and comment. I like how this chapter came out. And a big thanks to everyone who is still with me. I'm so sorry for taking forever in uploading a new chapter, I just need to get permission from my parents and they don't want me to get addicted to this page, But it's too late:P I am hooked.

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