Chapter 15

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"Wake up Sunshine." Roy said, shaking me hard. I snapped my eyes open, getting blinded by the sun.

"What the hell Roy?" I yelled, pushing his hand away from my shoulder. I glared at him, getting out of his stupid truck. I scratched my head, glad to finally be home. I stretched, lifting my hands up and revealing my stomach.

"Wait till we get inside baby girl. I don't want the neighbors to see anything." he joked. I rolled my eyes, walking to the front door. I opened it, finding it just as we had left it. I slowly made my way to the room, crawling into bed and closing my eyes one more time. I felt the bed dip, making me moan because I knew Roy wouldn't let me go to sleep. "So I was thinking, what if we went out to eat?" he asked.

I rolled over, looking up at him. "Sure. Where too?" I said, sitting up. He looked at me bewildered, almost expecting me to deny him. 

"Uh, well I was kinda hoping that,"

"That I would say no and we'd stay home?" I finished for him, getting out of the school uniform.

"Actually, I was hoping you'd pick the place." I turned to look at him, smiling a little. "So where would you like to go?"

Ever since we got back from Bid Sur, I had been craving Italian food. "Let's go to Mike's" I said, talking about the small restaurant I loved. "I love it there." I walked into the closet, picking out some nice dark washed jeans and a cute floral brown, lace shirt. I paired it with my brown ankle booties and a white blazer. I quickly brushed my hair and left it down.

Roy quickly changed too, removing his slacks with jeans and dress up shirt to a red flannel one. I fixed my make up, eyeing him every once in a while. "Ready." I said, turning to look at my husband. He smiled at me, taking my hand into his.

I let him lead me out to his truck, climbing in after he opened the door. "what happened to your car? The one I saw you in?" I asked him, suddenly remembering he never did have a truck before.

"It was my friends. I was getting this one fixed up so I didn't have my baby at the time." he replied, raising the volume of the song. I smiled, singing alng with Journey.

"Those summer nights are calling stone in love.
Can't help myself, I'm falling stone in love."

I sang, closing my eyes as I let the music fill my ears. I could hear Roy quiet down, listening to me sing. I didn't care, just kept on singing to my favorite song. The car came to a complete stop, making me open my eyes again.

"So tell me Sunshine. Have you fallen in love with me already?" Roy asked after turning off the car. I stayed silent, knowing he probably put that song on purpose. I turned to look at him, raising my eyebrow.

"No, I haven't." I said, getting out of the car. I closed the door, walking to the front of the restaurant. "Why would you ask that?" I said, stopping in front of him. He gave me an innocent look, shrugging his broad shoulders.

"I don't know what you're talking about." he said, putting his hand on the small of my back. He lead me inside, taking me to one of the bigger tables in the while building. I gave him a confused look and then jumped when there was a chorus of Happy Birthdays.

I smiled widely, feeling my eyes swell with tears. "You lied to me Sunshine. You said that it was next week." Roy said, frowning a bit. I smiled up at him innocently.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said, getting up and hugging my parents. It wasn't a lot of people, just our parents but that was good enough for me. We all sat down, everyone talking to each other. I shifted my gaze between the Waters and my parents.

I smiled, watching as one of the waitress came to us. "Good after noon, I am Misha and I will be your waitress tonight. Are you guys ready to order?" she asked, eyeing everyone before letting her gaze stop on Roy. Everyone ordered except me.

"Sunshine, honey, what do you want?" My mother asked. I shook my head, smiling up at the waitress.

"Sorry, I want a raspberry iced tea and Fettuccine Alfredo." I said, giving her my menu.

 She smiled at me, taking Roy's as well. She told him something and he nodded, smiling up at her. He stayed seated down, not even bothering to look up. I saw the waitress walking tot he bathroom and then Roy stood up.

"Excuse me, I have to go to the restroom." he said, walking to the same direction. I watched as he slowly storlled tot he restroom area. I staye din my seat, eager to know what was going on.

"Sunshine, go wash your hands and then come and eat." My mother said, ordering me like I was a five yeard old child. I nodded my head, getting up too quickly and walking to the restrooms. I burst in through the door, finding Roy and the waitress waking out on the couch that was outside in the waiting room.

I stood quiet for a while before I cleared my throat. Roy pulled away, turning to look at me. The smirk he had plastered on his face slowly faded as he saw me. "Sunshine." he said, getting off Misha. I backed away from him, openeing the door again. "Sunshine please wait." 

"For what? So you can tell me that it was a just a good bye kiss like last time? I was so stupid to believe you." I spat quickly turning away from him to hide the tears that threatened to spill. I walked to the table, grabbing my coat. "I'm sorry, but I have to leave. Something unexpected came up." I appologized, walking to the front of the restuarant.

"Sunshine, please wait." Roy said, coming after me. I walked through the tables as quickly as I could but he still catched up to me. "Sunshine I love you." he said, leaning down to kiss me.

"No!" I yelled pushing him away from me. "If you did love me you wouldn't be kissing every girl that passed in front of you!" I glared at him, feeling as everyone turned to watch us. He opened his moutht o say something, but closed it right away. He took a step closer to me, reaching out to grab my arm. "Don't freaken touch me!" I yelled, slapping him hard.

His cheek turned red, the print of my hand clearly visible as he held it. I turned on my heel, running out of the place and into the cold night. The air felt even more cold than it did only minutes ago. "Sunshine!" I heard him yelling.

I only sped up, turning the corner just as rain started falling. I bumped into something hard, almost falling down to the floor. "Woah." he said, grabbing onto my arms. I looke dup, catching the familiar blue eyes I had lonce loved staring into. "You okay Sunshine?" he asked, setting me up straight. I nodded, wiping my eyes then realizing it was useless. 

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine thanks for asking." I said. Marco held on to my arms for another while before Roy interupted us.

"Sunshine, please." he panted. I turned around, taking a step away from him at the same time. He looked like he was going to die from a heart attack or something.

"Why don't you save it. I really don't want to hear any of the shit you have to say." I spat, grabbing on to Marco's arm. He quickly wrapped on of his arms around my waist and pulle dme behind him.

"Sunshine, my car is right there. Get in it and wait." Marco said, his fists tightening.

"Marco, let's just go. It doesn't matter anymore." I said, pulling him to his car. He turned around, looking at me with something in his eyes. "Let's just go. Please?" I begged him, running a hand through my wet hair.

He nodded, walking me to his car. He opened the door for me to get inside, but before I even got a foot in his car, he pulled me to him, crashing his lips to mine.


Hey, so I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I didn't feel like doing s pelling check. I'll do that next time. So please just vote and comment. Love you all:)

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