Chapter 10

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Sorry I haven’t been updating. I've been trying to get a job. It's really hard.

But the pregnancy, I’m going to take a little from Breaking Dawn, like the speed of the pregnancy, Alice not seeing Bella's future, Rose protecting her, and her starving, but everything else I’m going to tweak a little bit, so if you don’t like it, don’t read it any further.

I don't own Breaking Dawn or the Characters except the babies. (Seen at the end of this chapter.)

Here it is.


I sat on the couch stroking my growing stomach. It's only been three weeks and it looks like I’m 6 months pregnant. Everyone except Rose thinks I’m stupid for going through with the pregnancy since Carlisle is sure that it will kill me. Alice is upset because she cant see my future anymore or see the baby. I can though. I imagine a girl with my eyes and golden blonde hair like Carlisle, a sweet personality like her father, and independence like me.

Carlisle has been pacing back and forth across the living room at half vampire speed for an hour and I’m a little nauseous from not being able to keep anything down for a week.  I watched him for a minute longer before saying, “Carlisle, you're making me sick. Please stop.”

He stopped abruptly and smiled weakly. He didn't like seeing me in pain, and there was nothing he could do about it. Jasper tells me that every night when I’m asleep, he works in his office trying to find a way to help me without success; that it kills him to see me in this amount of pain and feeling useless. Although the thing is, I can't get him to see that I’m fine as long as I have him, I’m strong enough to pull through this, and that he is not useless, but it's like talking to a brick wall.

“Sorry, I can't stop thinking. If I could just figure out what it wants-”

“She. What she wants,” I said, interrupting him.

He looked at me. “She. I could try to give it to you and see if your body will tolerate it.”

Jake, who had been sitting on the couch next to me keeping me warm, said, “What if it wants to sink it's teeth into someone.”

I knew that he was joking, but it hit me. Carlisle is a vampire, he drinks blood. What if she wants something to drink? I mean, she's half vampire. I glanced at everyone. Emmett looked a little hopeful, as did Jasper and Alice, Rose smiled as Carlisle rushed to get some blood. I first thought that he had gone to get me a rabbit, but he came back with a pint of human blood. I was so hungry, I was willing to try anything, but drinking human blood made me feel a little cannibalistic.

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